The 16th World Congress on Polyphenols Applications is being organized on September 27-29, 2023 at Corinthia St George’s Bay in Malta. Polyphenols Applications 2023 will be held under the endorsement of Redox Medicine Society, former ISANH.
Polyphenols Applications 2023 will bring together polyphenols academics and industrials to discuss the most recent advance and novel innovations on polyphenols.
Polyphenols Applications 2023: New Scientific Outlook
Novel topics will be discussed for the first-time during Polyphenols Applications 2023. International academics and industrials will elaborate on the following sessions:
Polyphenols in Health & Diseases: Mechanistic Aspects & Perspectives
Polyphenols & Microbiota – The Subtle Modulation
Senolytic Activity of Polyphenols – A Potential Anti-Aging Effect?
Marine Polyphenols – Therapeutic Potential & Applications
Polyphenols and the Environment: A Reciprocal Connection
Polyphenols Applications in Wound Healing & Photoprotection
Polyphenols Applications 2023: Recent Innovations & Where are We Headed?
Abstracts & Innovations Submission 2023
The scientific committee gives you the chance to share your latest polyphenols innovations with international professionals, academics, and students during Polyphenols Applications 2023. Abstracts are also welcomed for short oral or poster presentations.
Short oral submission: May 30, 2023
Poster submission: June 1, 2023