Присъединете се към инициативата на Европейската комисия @Data 4 Healthy Recovery Hackathon за справяне с предизвикателствата пред човешкото здраве, произтичащи от епидемията от коронавирус и възстановяване на ЕС индустрията. Вижте повече тук:
Join the @Data 4 Healthy Recovery Hackathon organised by the European Commission supported by CIVITTA and Garage48 to hack smart health challenges and help #EUindustry bounce back stronger and faster from the #coronavirus pandemic!
Calling all passionate visionaries, developers, designers, data scientists, marketing specialists, engineers, entrepreneurs, and industry experts. The primetime to test & design innovative solutions & build up the resilience towards the future is NOW!
Registration is open till 15th of April 👉 https://eventornado.com/event/data-4-healthy-recovery
Read more about the programme 👉
#data4EUrecovery #COSME_EU