The MSTC is on the third floor of the Auditorium complex of MU – Plovdiv and includes 10 fully equipped rooms with an option to transfer sound and video to the two auditoriums located on the same floor.
The MSTC is a structural part of the Medical University of Plovdiv and it is used for regular laboratory practicals in different specialties as well as for simulation trainings which could be attended by students who study to become medics, nurses, midwifes and also young specialists. The MSTC is also hosting courses for highly specialized procedures by a regulation, established by the MU of Plovdiv.
The access to the MSTC would be provided for students, PhD researchers, specializing physicians, as well as for specialists, nurses and midwifes during the specially organized practical sessions which are part of the curriculum or specially scheduled for those who desire to increase their knowledge and qualification.
The access to the MSTC is possible from 08:00h to 16:00h or within specially organized trainings in the presence of an instructor from the corresponding specialty.
The extracurricular simulation trainings would be announced each month on the website of the MU – Plovdiv and participation would be possible after registering through a special web-based form. It is possible, when the number of people willing to attend exceeds the room capacity, the access to be restricted to the first registered.
The trainings begin according to the established schedule, regardless of the full presence at the time of start.
In this case you should cancel your registration for that particular training so that somebody else can take your place.
Send an e-mail to [email protected] with a topic “Cancelation of registration” and write your names, faculty number, specialty and the course which you want to cancel.
If you do not cancel your registration and do not attend the training, you will not be allowed to attend other trainings in the future.
Not required. Everything you need will be provided for you.