Department of Imaging Diagnostics, Dental Allergology and Physiotherapy

Колектив на катедра по образна диагностика, ФДМ, МУ - Пловдив
Academic staff –Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Dental allergology and Physiotherapy, MU Plovdiv


e-mail : [email protected]
Phone :


Academic standarts

The training in imaging diagnostics is performed in VI and VII semesters for Bulgarian and English language students. The curriculum includes 30 lecture hours and 60 hours of exercises. Equipment in the department is one apparatus for Panoramic and Ceph x-rays with possibility for 3D scanning, also one Cone-beam computed tomograph, and two apparatuses for intraoral radiographs.

The teaching of dental clinical allergology has been carried out since 2009. The curriculum includes 15 lecture hours and 15 hours of exercises, which are taught in the VII semester for English language students and the VIII semester for Bulgarian dental medicine students. For the needs of this specialty the Department is equipped for allergy and focal diagnostics testing.

The discipline of physical therapy is included in the academic teaching since 2009. The curriculum includes 15 lecture hours and 15 hours of exercises, which are taught in the IX semester for English language students and the X semester for Bulgarian dental students. The physiotherapy room is equipped with devices for diadynamic currents and magnetic field procedures, ozonator, physiotherapy laser machine, Darsonval, sollux lamp and ultraviolet lamp.

Academic Staff

Associate Professor Iliana Ivanova-Stoeva PhD, DMSc – Head of Department

Phone: 032/602083
e-mail: [email protected]

Prof. Yoanis Papathanasiou , MD, PhD

Phone: 032/602075
e-mail: [email protected]

Associate Professor Nikolay Sirakov, MD, PhD

Phone: 032/602074
e-mail: [email protected]

Chief Assistant Professor Irina Angelova-Dechevska, MD, PhD

Phone: 032/602074
e-mail: [email protected]

Chief Assistant Professor Petya Hadjygeorgieva-Kanazirska, PhD

Phone: 032/602074
e-mail: [email protected]

Chief Assistant Professor Atanas Chonin, PhD

Phone: 032/602070
e-mail: [email protected]

Assistant Professor Borislava Petrova

Phone: 032/602074
e-mail: [email protected]

Assistant Professor Olga Popova


Tamara Gateva – PhD student

e-mail: [email protected]


During the period 2010 – 2022, 160 scientific articles were published, participations in scientific congresses and scientific sessions in Bulgaria and abroad are over 170.
Lecturers from the Department participate in 15 scientific research projects.

In 2011 the Department organized and held “May Days of Bulgarian Dental Medicine” in Alexandroupolis, Greece, with the participation of lecturers from FDM – Plovdiv and FDM – Sofia.

Dissertations :
• Dr. J. Papatanasiou – “Study of the effects of group high-intensity aerobic interval and moderate-intensity long-term cardiorehabilitation model in patients with CHF” (2012);
• Dr. I. Angelova – “Computed tomography in the maxillofacial area” (2013).
• Petya Georgieva Hadjigeorgieva-Kanazirska “Diagnostic possibilities of Cone Beam Computed Tomography in impacted third molars of the lower jaw”, (2017)
• Atanas Stoyanov Chonin, “Allergies to methacrylates in dental medicine”, (2017)
In 2012, Dr. Iliana Stoeva-Ivanova, Ph.D., was habilitated in the Department as an associate professor.
Prof. J. Papatanasiou published the monograph “Cardiac Rehabilitation in Chronic Heart Failure” (2013). In 2018 holds the academic position of “Professor” in the department.
In 2021 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Iliana Stoeva-Ivanova defended her dissertation for the degree of “Doctor of Science”.


• Стоева, И. Практическо ръководство по дентална клинична алергология (под ред. на А. Киселова и Б. Петрунов) (2011).

• Лалабонова, Хр., И. Стоева. Алергология. Алергични заболявания. В: Ръководство по вътрешни болести (под ред. на М. Панчовска-Мочева) (2011).

• Dencheva, M., A. Kisselova, A. Krasteva, Ts. Georgieva, I. Stoeva, T. Bolyarova. Focal dental diagnostic in patients with replaced renal function – One new method in dentistry. Book “Hemodialysis/Book 2“ (2011), р. 213 – 232.

• Алергология и орална медицина: Принципи и практики (под ред. на А. Киселова и Б. Петрунов) (2013).

• В. Сираков. Практическо ръководство за тестови изпитвания по образна диагнoстика за медици (2012).

• Велкова К., А. Шопов, А. Петрова, А. Хилендаров, В. Сираков, И. Ангелова, Н. Сираков, Х. Шипков: Тестове за подготовка по образна диагностика за студенти по медицина и специализанти (2013).

• T.Troev, J. Papathanasiou. Essentials of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine for Undergraduate Medical Students. 2016. Учебник

• Stefano Masiero, Ugo Carraro, J. Papathanasiou. Rehabilitation Medicine for Elderly Patients. 1st edn. 2018. Учебник

• Iliyana Stoeva, Georgi Nikolov, Atanas Chonin.Textbook of Dental Clinical Allergology. 2018. Учебник

• Iliyana Stoeva. Dental Clinical Allergology – Practical Guide. 2018. Практическо ръководство



• Й. Папатанасиу – „Кардиорехабилитация при хронична сърдечна недостатъчност“ (2013).

• Papathanasiou J.V. Postoperative Rehabilitation of Elderly Patients. (2018) Physical Therapy Modalities for Older Persons. In: Masiero S, Carraro U, Eds., pag. 469-475. ISBN 978-3-319-57405-9 ISBN 978-3-319-57406-6 (eBook).

• Musumeci A, Papathanasiou JV, Lena E, Assenza C, Giordani C, et al. (2018) Physical Therapy Modalities for Older Persons. In: Masiero S, Carraro U, Eds., pag. 43-52. ISBN 978-3-319-57405-9 ISBN 978-3-319-57406-6 (eBook).

• P. Hadjigeorgieva-Kanazirska – ” Imaging diagnostics of impacted teeth.” ISBN; 978-619-7178-34-0 (2022)


1. Georgi Yordanov Yordanov, “Diagnostic possibilities of some X-ray methods in mandibular fractures”, (1991)

2. Iliana Lyubomirova Ivanova, “Intraoral contact hypersensitivity to dental prosthetic materials.”, MU-Sofia, (2009)

3. Ioannis Vassilios Papatanasiou – “Study of the effects of a group high-intensity aerobic interval and moderate-intensity long-term cardiorehabilitation model in patients with CHF” (2012);

4. Irina Angelova Angelova-Dechevska – “Computed tomography in the maxillofacial area” (2013).

5. Petya Georgieva Hadjigeorgieva-Kanazirska Kanazirska “Diagnostic possibilities of Cone Beam Computed Tomography in impacted third molars of the lower jaw”, (2017)

6. Atanas Stoyanov Chonin, “Allergies to methacrylates in dental medicine”, (2017)

7.Assoc. Prof. Dr. Iliana Lyubomirova Stoeva, , “Occupational skin and respiratory symptoms among dental staff” (2021)