Website of the Section of Dermatology and Venereology
e-mail : [email protected]
Telephone :032 602 575
- Program of Dermatology and Venereology 2021/2022 and 2022/2023
- Program of Dermatology and Venereology 2020/2021
Programs of exercises and lectures in dermatology and venereology
- Program for lectures of Dermatology and Venerology of the students of V course Medicine
- Program for exercises of Dermatology and Venerology of the students of V course Medicine
- Program for lectures of Dermatology and Venerology of the students of IV course medicine
- Program for exercises of Dermatology and Venerology of the students of IV course medicine
- Program for lectures of Dermatology and Venerology of the students of IV course dental medicine
- Program for exercises of Dermatology and Venerology of the students of IV course dental medicine
Winter semester
Summer semester
- Conspectus of dermatology and venereology for students of Medicine
- Conspectus of dermatology and venereology for students of Dental medicine
Sample exam tests
Teaching aids
Handbook for Medical Students and Junior Doctors (2014)
Clinical Dermatology. 3rd Ed., John Hunter, John Savin, Mark Dahl (eds), Blackwell Publ, 2002.
Shimizu’s Textbook of Dermatology.
DermNet NZ.
Dermatology Information System. DermIS.
Dermatology Image Bank. John Bezzant.2000.
Dermatology Atlas. Loyola University Dermatology Medical Education Website.
The Department of Dermatology and Venereology conducts training in skin and venereal diseases for students with teaching in Bulgarian and English:
Faculty of Medicine
• Medicine (IV and V year) – 30 h lectures and 60 h exercises
• Medical Nurse (III year) – 13 h lectures and 2 h exercises
• Midwife (III year) – 13 h lectures and 2 h exercises
Faculty of Dental Medicine
• Dental medicine (IV year) –15 h lectures and 30 h exercises
Faculty of Pharmacy
• Pharmacy (III year) – 6 h exercises
Medical College
• Rehabilitator (III year) – 12 h lectures and 3 h exercises
• Medical Cosmetics – Dermatology (30 h lectures and 30 h exercises), Dermatoallergology (15 h lectures and 15 h exercises) and Cosmetic Safety (15 h lectures and 15 h exercises)
To assess the preparation of students, an ongoing assessment and a final exam are held. Test tests, computer and online tests, written and oral exams are used.
The Department of Dermatology and Venereology also provides training for:
• Foreign students in the Erasmus program.
• Undergraduate internship for VI year medical students.
• Training of doctors specializing in dermatology and venereology (Bulgarian and foreign citizens).
• Training in dermatology and venereology of doctors specializing in general medicine.
• Training of doctoral students in regular and independent preparation.
The Department conducts courses for postgraduate training of doctors, which are included in the curriculum of SDO of MU – Plovdiv.
The habilitated persons from the Department participate in the state examination commissions for awarding a specialty.
Academic Staff
Prof. Hristo Dobrev, PhD, DMSc
e-mail: [email protected]
Assoc. Prof. Liliya Zisova, PhD
e-mail: [email protected]
Assoc. Prof. Tsvetana Abadjieva, PhD
e-mail: [email protected]
Chief Assistant Professor Donka Brambarova, PhD
e-mail: [email protected]
Chief Assistant Professor Desislava Nocheva, PhD
e-mail: [email protected]
D-r Nina Vutova, PhD
e-mail: [email protected]
D-r Teodor Aleksiev, PhD
e-mail: [email protected]
D-r Zlatina Ivanova, PhD – Quality manager
e-mail: [email protected]
D-r Lidiya Todorova, PhD
e-mail: [email protected]
D-r Gergana Vazheva, PhD
e-mail: [email protected]
D-r Zhaneta Zhelyazkova – Cheradzhiiska
e-mail: [email protected]
Mariya Rodopska
The research activity of the Department of Dermatology and Venereology is developed in areas arising from the nature of the medical work and the technological support of the department and the clinic. The following research areas are being developed:
1.Clinical dermatology and venereology
o Autoimmune connective tissue diseases and bullous dermatoses
o Allergic diseases (drug dermatoses, contact dermatitis)
o Other dermatoses (aphthous ulcer, psoriasis, eosinophilic dermatoses, cryoglobulinemia)
o Benign and malignant skin tumors
o Mycology – infections with candida, pityrosporum ovale
o Dermatohistopathology, immunofluorescent skin tests
o Diseases of hair growth (alopecia, hirsutism)
o Seborrheic diseases (seborrheic dermatitis, acne, rosacea)
o Chronic venous insufficiency of the lower extremities
o Normal skin physiology and pathology – assessment of skin functions with non-invasive bioengineering methods
o Genodermatoses
o Rare diseases and syndromes (casuistry)
o Sexually transmitted diseases (syphilis, chlamydial infections, papilloma and herpes viruses, bacterial vaginosis).
2. Experimental dermatology
o Models of skin diseases in tissue cultures in vitro
o Determination of sun protection factor of topical preparations
o Application of non-invasive bioengineering methods for examination of healthy and pathological human skin after various exposures
o Capillaroscopy, dermatoscopy, trichoscopy, onychoscopy.
3. Scientific and applied dermatology
o Clinical, allergological and functional skin tests to assess the safety and efficacy of topical preparations (medicines, borderline products, cosmetics)
o Application of computers in dermatology, development of specialized medical software.
4. Cosmetology
o Problematic facial skin and options for its treatment
o Photobiology and photoprotection of healthy and diseased human skin.
Interdisciplinary research is also conducted with other departments of the University in the field of experimental and clinical dermatology and venereology.
• Дерматология и верология. Учебник за студенти по медицина и стоматология. Златков Н., Янкова Р., Добрев Х., Чудомирова К., Зисова Л., Ботев И., МИ “Райков”, гр. Пловдив, 2010.
• Заболявания на кожата и придатъците й. Добрев Х. В: Справочник за диагностика и лечение на детските болести. 2-ро допълнено и преработено издание, Под ред. на Т. Шмилев. Медицинско издателство “Райко”, Пловдив, 2014: 435-455.
• Алергични заболявания. Клинканова М., Н. Сивкова, Хр. Добрев, Т. Шмилев. В: Справочник за диагностика и лечение на детските болести. 2-ро допълнено и преработено издание, Под ред. на Т. Шмилев. Медицинско издателство “Райко”, Пловдив, 2014: 98-110.
• Дерматологични и венерологични проблеми в общата медицинска практика. Янкова Р. В: Актуални аспекти на общата медицинска практика. Под ред. на Л. Деспотова-Толева. Мед. Издат. ЕТ „Васил Петров – ВАП”, Пловдив, 2009.
• Questionnaire for self-training in dermatology and venereology (2020)
• Handbook for Medical Students and Junior Doctors (2014)
• Clinical Dermatology. 3rd Ed., John Hunter, John Savin, Mark Dahl (eds), Blackwell Publ, 2002.
• Shimizu’s Textbook of Dermatology.
• DermNet NZ.
• Dermatology Information System. DermIS.
• Dermatology Image Bank. John Bezzant.2000.
• Dermatology Atlas. Loyola University Dermatology Medical Education Website.
During the period 2010 – 2021 associates of the Department have taken part in a total of 00 publications:
Publications in international journals with an impact factor – 20.
Publications in international journals without an impact factor – 30.
Publications in Bulgarian journals – 65.
Publications in Bulgarian scientific collections – 20.
During the period 2010 – 2021 associates of the Department have taken part in 9 monographs abroad and 10 in Bulgaria.
Since the founding of the Department of Dermatology and Venereology in 1946, so far, 3 dissertations for the “Doctor of Science” and 18 dissertations for the “Doctor” have been defended. They are dedicated to basic dermatological problems – oncodermatology and dermatosurgery, mycology, aphthous disease, scleroderma, immunology of bullous dermatoses, immunofluorescent diagnosis of syphilis, diagnostic methods in allergology and immunology, functional methods of examination in dermatology.
Currently, 5 dissertations for PhD are being developed.