Academic Staff
Prof. Rumen Stefanov, MD, Phd – Head of Department
Prof. Rumen Stefanov, Md, Phd
Rumen Stefanov is a Professor in Public health and the Dean of the Faculty of Public Health at the Medical University of Plovdiv (Bulgaria). He also serves as Director of the Institute for Rare Diseases, a clinical and research platform that is a major rare disease stakeholder in Bulgaria and Europe.
Rumen Stefanov received a MD and a PhD in Public health from the Medical University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria. He is a Marie Curie fellow, completing various specialisations in public health, epidemiology and clinical trials on small populations.
Dr. Stefanov is a participant in several EU funded projects (Orphanet, EUROPLAN, BURQOL-RD, EPIRARE, RARE Best Practices, STORE, ASDEU). He is an active member of the European Commission’s Task Force on Rare Diseases (2004-2009), EU Committee of Experts on Rare Diseases (2013) and Commission Expert Group on Rare Diseases (2013 –). Member of the International Rare Disease Research Consortium (IRDiRC) Interdisciplinary Committee, board member of the Central & Eastern European Genetic Network and member of the International Conference on Rare Diseases (ICORD) Society.
Dr. Stefanov is recognised expert in the field of rare disease policies at national level, being a chair of the Ministry of Health’s working groups for the National Programme for Rare Disease and for the Ordinance on the Designation of Centres of Expertise for Rare Diseases and Establishment of a National Registry for Rare Diseases. He currently chairs the Commission on Rare Diseases at the Ministry of Health.
Rumen Stefanov is fluent in Bulgarian (native), English, Italian and Russian languages.
Scientific Interests:
public health, epidemiology, rare diseases, orphan drugs
• Taruscio D, Vittozzi L, Choquet R, Heimdal K, Iskrov G, Kodra Y, Landais P, Posada M, Stefanov R, Steinmueller C, Swinnen E, Van Oyen H. National Registries of Rare Diseases in Europe: An Overview of the Current Situation and Experiences. Public Health Genomics. 2015;18(1):20-5. IF (2014) = 2.462
• Iskrov G, Stefanov R. Ensuring Transparency and Consistency in the Value Assessment of Cancer Therapies. J Clin Oncol. 2016 Aug 20;34(24):2938-9. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2015.63.6076 IF: 20.982 (2015)
• Iskrov G, Astigarraga I, Stefanov R, and BURQOL-RD Research Network. Social/Economic Costs and Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients with Histiocytosis in Europe. Eur J Health Econ. 2016 Apr;17 Suppl 1:67-78. IF: 2.266 (2015)
Assoc. Prof. Nina Musurlieva, DD, Phd – Chief Administrative Assistant
Nina Musurlieva
Education: Dr. Musurlieva was born in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. She graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry, Medical University Plovdiv, Bulgaria in 2003. She also completed her thesis at the same University and was awarded the PhD degree in 2013. She has the speciality “Pediatric dentistry”(2006) and “Social medicine and dental public health”(2016).
Professional development: Senior assistant professor in Department of Social Medicine and Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, Medical University, Plovdiv.
Specializations: “Pediatric dentistry”(2006) and “Social medicine and dental public health”(2016).
Scientific Interests: oral health and quality of life, halitosis, deontology, public dental health
Publications: Musurlieva N, Stoykova M, Boyadjiev D. Validation of a Scale Assessing the impact of periodontal diseases on Patients Quality of Life in Bulgaria (pilot research). Braz Dent J 2012; 23(5):570-4. IF=0.543.
Musurlieva N, Stoykova M, Boyadjiev D. Risk factors for development of chronic periodontitis in Bulgarian patients (pilot research). Biotechnology and technological equipment 2014; 28(6): 1150-1155. IF=0.373.
Musurlieva N, Stoykova M, Boyadjiev D.Evaluation of the impact of chronic periodontitis on individuals quality of life by a self-developed tool. Biotechnology and technological equipment 2015; 29(5): 991-6. . IF=0.373
Aleksandrova V, Musurlieva N, Stoykova M. Communication skills in the dental practice:a review. Stomatology Edu Journal 2016; 3(1):63-8.
Novakova S, Yoncheva M, Stoykova M, Musurlieva N, Taneva D. Characteristics of sensitization among children with allergic rhinitis. Merit research journals 2015; 3(5):196-201. IF=1.206
Musurlieva N, Stoykova M. Diabetes-a systemic risk factor for the development of chronic periodontitis in Bulgarian patients. International Journal of Diabetes and Clinical Research 2015; 2:2.
1. Stoykova M, Musurlieva N. Legal documents related to the dental practice. Medical University Plovdiv 2014.
2. Musurlieva N, Boyadjiev D, Stoykova M. Oral hygiene and chronic periodontitis. Medical University Plovdiv 2016.
Assoc. Prof. Tsonka Miteva-Katrandzhieva, DD, Phd – Responsible for “Quality and accreditation” and “Postgraduate Education”
Tsonka Miteva-Katrandzhieva
Education: Dental Medicine, Dental Public Health
Professional development: Dr. Miteva graduated Medical University Plovdiv in 2002. In 2007 she won a contest for Assistant Professor at the Department of Social Medicine and Public Health. In 2012, she was enrolled as a PhD student of individual training. Dr. Miteva successfully defended dissertation in 2015 on “Design and application of epidemiological registries for rare diseases.” In the same year Dr. Miteva became Chief Assistant Professor at the department.
Specializations: 2011, Madrid, Spain, Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII)
Scientific Interests: rare diseases, public dental health
Membership: USB, EHSN
T Miteva, R Jordanova, G Iskrov, R Stefanov. General knowledge and awareness on rare diseases among general practitioners in Bulgaria. Georgian Med News, 2011, 16-19.
G Iskrov, E Jessop, T Miteva-Katrandzhieva, R Stefanov. Budget impact of rare diseases: proposal for a theoretical framework based on evidence from Bulgaria. Georgian medical news, 2015, 46-53
T Miteva-Katrandzhieva, G Iskrov, R Stefanov et all. Overview of epidemiological registries in Bulgaria. Rare diseases and orphan drugs, 2016, 3 (1), 11-15.
Assoc. Prof. Georgi Iskrov, PhD
Assoc. Prof. Georgi Iskrov, PhD
PhD in Health economics, Medical University of Plovdiv, 2016
MSc in Public health, Medical University of Plovdiv, 2015
Research interests:
Rare diseases
Health-related quality of life
Health technology assessment
International conference on rare diseases and orphan drugs (ICORD)
Socio-economic burden and health-related quality of life in rare diseases in Europe network (BURQOL-RD)
Selected publications:
Iskrov G, Dermendzhiev S, Miteva-Katrandzhieva T, Stefanov R. Health economic data in reimbursement of new medical technologies: importance of the socio-economic burden as a decision-making criterion. Front Pharmacol. 2016, 7:252. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2016.00252 IF: 4.418 (2015)
Iskrov G, Stefanov R. Ensuring Transparency and Consistency in the Value Assessment of Cancer Therapies. J Clin Oncol. 2016 Aug 20;34(24):2938-9. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2015.63.6076 IF: 20.982 (2015)
Iskrov G, Astigarraga I, Stefanov R, and BURQOL-RD Research Network. Social/Economic Costs and Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients with Histiocytosis in Europe. Eur J Health Econ. 2016 Apr;17 Suppl 1:67-78. IF: 2.266 (2015)
Selected monographs:
Iskrov G, Kuncheva R, Stefanov R. Incorporation of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis into Health Technology Assessment: Experiences and Challenges from Bulgaria. In: Jakovljevic M, editor. Health Economics and Policy Challenges in Global Emerging Markets. New York, NY: Nova Science Publishers (2016). p. 41-58. (ISBN 978-1-63484-720-9)
Taruscio D, Gentile AE, De Santis M, Ferrelli R, Frazzica RG, Iskrov G, Stefanov R. National plans on rare diseases. In: M. Özgüç (ed.), Rare Diseases: Integrative PPPM Approach as the Medicine of the Future. Advances in Predictive, Preventive and Personalised Medicine 6. Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht (2015). p. 1-21. (ISBN 978-94-017-9213-4)
Assoc. Prof. Yulia Peeva, DD, PhD – Responsible for “International Cooperation and Project Activity”
Dr. Peeva was born in Plovdiv, Bulgaria in 1971. She graduated Medical University of Plovdiv in 1994 with Master degree of Dentistry. She continues her professional experience in the Orthodontic Department of Regional Dental Polyclinic in Plovdiv. In 2005 she won a contest for Assistant Professor at the Department of Social medicine and Public Health. In 2012, she was enrolled as a PhD student of individual training. The title of her successfully defended PhD thesis is “Awareness and motivation for orthodontic treatment of children from Plovdiv” (2015). Now, she is Chief Assistant Professor in the same department.
Professional development:
Chief Assistant Professor in the Department of Social Medicine and Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, Medical University of Plovdiv
2008 Social Medicine and Health Management (Sofia); 2010 Uludag University Bursa, Turkey; 2012 University Studi di Genova, Italy; 2014 American Austrian Foundation, Open Medical Institute of Austria, Salzburg; 2017 Fundacion Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud (FUCS), Bogota, Colombia.
Scientific Interests:
orthodontics, public health, prevention and prophylaxis of oral health, e-health, health management, European health law and policies, etc.
Bulgarian Dental Association (BDA), Bulgarian Association of Scientists, Bulgarian Association of Public Health, European Public Health Association, The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER), Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER).
Dr Peeva is either author or co-author over 50 peer reviewed publications in scientific journals. She is also a member of Editorial Board at EC Dental Science Journal, Journal of Oral Medicine and American Research Journal of Dentistry.
2017 Peeva Yu. An Orthodontic Considerations And Surgical Approach For Three Impacted Canines – A Case Report. EC Dental Science, vol.11, issue 2:77-81
2017 Peeva Yu. The gap of awareness in orthodontic treatment. Open Access Library Journal, vol.4, no.1: e3367
2017 Peeva Yu., M. Stoykova, Hr. Iankovski, I. Peev. Approbation of Q-methodology to evaluate parents attitudes for demand of orthodontic treatment. Oral Health and Dental Management, vol.2, no.1: 58-69
2017 Geneva-Popova M.1, Semova M.2, Peeva Yu.3, Kraev Kr.1, Klinkanov D.1, Popova St.1 The role of magnetic resonance imaging to differentiate degenerative and inflammatory rheumatic diseases. НАУЧНИ ТРУДОВЕ НА СЪЮЗА НА УЧЕНИТЕ- ПЛОВДИВ. СЕРИЯ Г: МЕДИЦИНА, ФАРМАЦИЯ И ДЕНТАЛНА МЕДИЦИНА, Издателство: Съюз на учените в България – град Пловдив, 2017, стр. 172-176, ISSN: 1311-9427, eISSN: 2534-9392
2016 Peeva Yu. The Gap of Awareness in Orthodontic Treatment. Open Access Library Journal, 4: e3367.
2016 Peeva Yu., Yankovski Hr., Peev I. Discrepancies in orthodontic awareness among parents and their children from Plovdiv, Bulgaria. American Journal of Public Health Research, vol.4, no.1 (2016): 23-27. doi: 10.12691/ajphr-4-1-4.
2015 Karalilova R., Pl. Todorov, Yu. Peeva, Z. Batalov, P. Selimov, A. Batalov. The Correlation of High Frequency Ultrasound of Dermal Thickness and Lung Ultrasound for Pulmonary Involvement in Early Diffuse Systemic Sclerosis, Ann Rheum Dis 2015;74:Suppl 2 647 doi:10.1136/annrheumdis-2015-eular.5079 (IF=10.377);
2015 Peeva Yu. Assessment of certain socio-demographic and other factors for the need of orthodontic treatment among 7-18 years old children from Plovdiv, Bulgaria, PARIPEX – Indian Journal of Research, 2015; 4: (7), 34-35 (IF=3.4163);
2015 Daskalova E., Sl. Delchev, Yu. Peeva, Lyudmila Vladimirova-Kitova, Maria Kratchanova, Christo Kratchanov, Petko Denev. Antiatherogenic and Cardioprotective Effects of Black Chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) Juice in Aging Rats, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2015, Article ID 717439, (IF=1.880)
1. Peeva Yu. Awareness and motivation for orthodontic treatment through the eyes of orthodontists, children and parents. Sofia: Leading technologies in dentistry’ company, (2017). 260 p. ISBN 978-954-90363-8-1
Assoc. Prof. Ralitsa Raycheva, MEcon, PhD – Responsible for “Scientific Research Activity”
Assoc. Prof. Ralitsa Raycheva, MEcon, PhD
MEcon – Master of Economics, 2000
PhD – “Health Technology Assessment – capacity building and institutionalization. Bulgarian perspectives.”, 2016
Professional development:
2010 – 2011, Assistant professor, Dept. of Health management, health economics and general medicine”
2011 – 2016, Assistant professor, Dept. of Social medicine and public health
2016 – 2022, Senior assistant professor, Dept. of Social medicine and public health
2022 – current, Associate professor, Dept. of Social medicine and public health
Health economics, 2013
Medical informatics and health management (currently)
Scientific Interests:
Health technology assessment, health economics, biostatistics and modeling, health informatics
HTAi – Health Technology Assessment International
1. Raycheva, Ralitsa D., et al. “The vulnerability to burn out in healthcare personnel according to the Stoyanov-Cloninger model: evidence from a pilot study.” International Journal of Person Centered Medicine 2.3 (2012): 552-563.
2. Iskrov, Georgi G., Ralitsa D. Raycheva, and Rumen S. Stefanov. “Insight into reimbursement decision-making criteria in Bulgaria: implications for orphan drugs.” Folia medica 55.3-4 (2013): 80-86.
3. Kevorkyan, A., Teoharov, P., Lernout, T., Petrova, N., Raycheva, R., Ivanov, I., … & Kojouharova, M. (2015). Prevalence of HBV and HCV among outpatients in the Plovdiv region of Bulgaria, 2010–2011. Journal of medical virology, 87(3), 401-406.
1. Clinical Epidemiology. Editor Prof. J. Stoilova. Raikov Publishing, 2013, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Senior Аsst. prof. Eleonora Hristova-Atanasova, MD, PhD – Responsible for “Educational Activity”
Senior Аsst. prof. Eleonora Hristova-Atanasova, MD, PhD
Master in Human Medicine
Faculty of Medicine, Medical University of Plovdiv, 2014
Professional development:
Assistant Professor, Department of Social Medicine and Public Health, Medical University of Plovdiv
Scientific Interests: Public health, Family planning, Rare diseases, Orphan Drugs, Quality of life
Bulgarian Medical Association
Youth Scientific Association “Asclepius”
Bulgarian Scientific Society of Public Health
1. Hristova E, Iskrov G, Stefanov R. New Horizons for Centres of Expertise for rare diseases in Bulgaria. Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs. 2014;1(4):116-20.
2. Iskrov G, Hristova E, Stefanov R. Expertise centers and National registry for rare diseases in Bulgaria – perspectives and challenges. General medicine. 2015;10(2):3-9.
3. Hristova E, Raycheva R, Iskrov G, Stefanov R. LIST OF RARE DISEASES IN BULGARIA. Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs. 2016 Dec 14;3(3):39-44.
Senior Asst. Prof. Victoria Mandova, DD, PhD
Senior Asst. Prof. Victoria Mandova, DD, PhD
09.2009- 06.2015
Master in Dental Medicine, regulated profession
Dentistry in Faculty of Dental Medicine of Medical University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria
2004- 2009
English language school
1st language English, 2nd language German
Scientific Interests: international health collaboration, health promotion, medical ethics, management in dental practice
Member of Bulgarian Dental Association,
Union of Scientists in Bulgaria,
Bulgarian Scientific Society of Public Health
Project No17/2012, Medical university of Plovdiv -IN VITRO microbiological examination of monomer mixture and extract of composite material on microorganisms in mouth cavity., Presentation at Days of Medical science, Plovdiv, 2013
Condensing composite materials- physical, mechanical, biological qualities. Clinical application. Presentation of case. Journal of Bulgarian Dental Association, Plovdiv, 2013
Asst. Prof. Kostadin Kostadinov, MD – Responsible for “Educational Activity”
Education and professional development:
Kostadin Kostadinov, MD, MPH graduated from the Medical Faculty of MU‐Plovdiv in 2017. In 2019 he graduated with a second master’s degree in Health Management and Public Health. He has been working in the Department of Social Medicine and Public Health since 2020 as an assistant professor.
Research interests:
Dr. Kostadinov teaches in the disciplines of medical ethics; biostatistics; social medicine and public dental health. His research interests include applied epidemiology, biostatistics, health law and rare diseases.
− Bulgarian Medical Association.
− Society of Cardiologists in Bulgaria.
− Bulgarian Scientific Society of Public Health.
− Bulgarian Association of Public Health
− European Public Health Association
− Association of trainers and researchers in general medicine in Bulgaria.
− Association for Social Research and Applied Research Practices
− Bulgarian Sociological Association Selected publications:
− Kostadinov, K., Stefanov, G., Iskrov, G. & Stefanov, R. Epidemiology of acquired thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs 11, 36‐44 (2020).
− Ivan Atanasov, Venelina Dudulova, Gina Stoykova, Gergana Lengerova, Kostadin Kostadinov, Eleonora Hristova, Georgi Iskrov, Rumen Stefanov” Quality of life in South central region of Bulgaria ‐ preliminary results by employment status from an EQ‐5D study” Varna Medical Forum, Black sea Symposium for young scientists in biomedicine 2016 vol. 5, no. 1.
− Stefanova M., Delcheva G. Maneva, A. “Molecular mechanisms of endoplasmic stress” Proc. “Science and Youth, 2013, 327‐340, ISSN 1314‐9229
− Kostadinov, K. Tsvetkov, E. Yankov, I. Eosinofic esophagitis ‐ is the incidence of disease really increased in children? March 2016 2‐nd National conference of Young Gastroenterologists, University Hospital “Tsariza Yoana”, Sofia
− Kostadinov, K. Tsvetkov, E. Yankov, I. Cystic Fibrosis Associated Disease‐ RBLS, R. (2019). 9th National Conference on Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs ‐ Proceedings of presentations and posters. Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs, 9(2).
− Kostadinov K, Kehayov D, Tsvetkov E, Kondareva R, Khavalyova A, Hristova E. Vegener granulomatosis‐ clinical aspects, diagnosis and pathomorphology. RBLS, R. (2019). 6th National Conference on Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs ‐ Proceedings. Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs, 6(1).
− Kostadinov K, Kehayov D, Tsvetkov E, Kondareva R, Khavalyova A, Hristova E. Extrapulmonary sarcoidosis‐a clinical case of a 13‐year‐old boy. RBLS, R. (2019). 6th National Conference on Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs ‐ Proceedings. Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs, 6(1).
Asst. Prof. Kostadin Dimitrov, MD – Responsible for “Updating Information on the MU-Plovdiv Website”
Asst. Prof. Kostadin Dimitrov
Тел: 032 200 576
[email protected]
Asst. Prof. Ivelina Popova, DD – Responsible for “Healthy and Safe Working Conditions”
Asst. Prof. Venika Belova, MD – Responsible for “Social Media
Asst. Prof. Venika Belova, MD
Assistant Prof. Dr. Liliya Tsenkova – Responsible for “E-Learning
Lilia Tsenkova, MD graduated from the Medical Faculty of Medical University of Plovdiv in 2023 with honors. In the same year, she started working as an assistant professor at the Department of Social Medicine and Public Health.
Position: Assistant professor at the Department of Social Medicine and Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, Medical University of Plovdiv.
2017 – 2023: Medical University of Plovdiv – Master's Degree – Medicine
2012 – 2017: Language High School "Ivan Vazov," French Language Profile
Membership: Bulgarian Medical Association
Languages: Bulgarian, English, French, Russian
Scientific interests: health promotion, rare diseases, family planning and reproductive health, Epidemiology“
Staff assistant
Vasilka Aneva – secretary
Tel: 032 / 602-288
e-mail: [email protected]
Vasi Slavcheva – hygienist
Head of Department:
Assoc. Prof. Todor Zahariev (1951 – 1973)
Prof. Dr. Nicholas Zapryanov, PhD (1973 – 1994)
Prof. Dr. Ivo Dimitrov, PhD (1994 – 2004 )
Assoc. Dilyana Lyahova, PhD (2004 – 2008)
Prof. Dr. Rumen Stefanov, PhD (2008-2011)
Prof. Dr. Maria Stoykova, PhD (2011-2020)
Publications in 2021-2022
1. Micai M, Fulceri F, Salvitti T, Romano G, Poustka L, Diehm R, Iskrov G., Stefanov R., Guillon Q, Rogé B, Staines A, Sweeney MR, Boilson AM, Leósdóttir T, Saemundsen E, Moilanen I, Ebeling H, Yliherva A, Gissler M, Parviainen T, Tani P, Kawa R, Pisula E, Vicente A, Rasga C, Budişteanu M, Dale I, Povey C, Flores N, Jenaro C, Monroy ML, Primo PG, Charman T, Cramer S, Warberg CK, Canal-Bedia R, Posada M, Schendel D, Scattoni ML. Autistic Adult Services Availability, Preferences, and User Experiences: Results From the Autism Spectrum Disorder in the European Union Survey. Front Psychiatry. 2022 Jun 10;13:919234. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.919234. e Collection 2022.
2. Schiller T, Musurlieva N., Bozhkova T, Kondeva V, Dimitrova M, Rimalovska S. Survey Study among Dentist in Bulgaria to Develop a Model for Risk Management in Dental Practice. Biomed Res Int. 2022 Jun 6;2022:6142445. doi: 10.1155/2022/6142445. eCollection 2022.
3. Raycheva R., Rangelova V, Kevorkyan A. Cost Analysis for Patients with Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Healthcare (Basel). 2022 May 25;10(6):980. doi: 10.3390/healthcare10060980.
4. Mandova VD., Stefanov RS. Case-Control Study to Evaluate the Oral Hygiene Habits in 31 Children with Hemophilia in Bulgaria Using the Oral Health Impact Profile-14 (OHIP-14) Questionnaire. Med Sci Monit Basic Res. 2022 Apr 21;28:e936560.
5. Micai M, Ciaramella A, Salvitti T, Fulceri F, Fatta LM, Poustka L, Diehm R, Iskrov G., Stefanov R., Guillon Q, Rogé B, Staines A, Sweeney MR, Boilson AM, Leósdóttir T, Saemundsen E, Moilanen I, Ebeling H, Yliherva A, Gissler M, Parviainen T, Tani P, Kawa R, Vicente A, Rasga C, Budişteanu M, Dale I, Povey C, Flores N, Jenaro C, Monroy ML, Primo PG, Charman T, Cramer S, Warberg CK, Canal-Bedia R, Posada M, Scattoni ML, Schendel D. Autistic Adult Health and Professional Perceptions of It: Evidence From the ASDEU Project. Front Psychiatry. 2021 May 28;12:614102. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.614102. eCollection 2021.
6. Micai M, Ciaramella A, Salvitti T, Fulceri F, Fatta LM, Poustka L, Diehm R, Iskrov G, Stefanov R, Guillon Q, Rogé B, Staines A, Sweeney MR, Boilson AM, Leósdóttir T, Saemundsen E, Moilanen I, Ebeling H, Yliherva A, Gissler M, Parviainen T, Tani P, Kawa R, Vicente A, Rasga C, Budişteanu M, Dale I, Povey C, Flores N, Jenaro C, Monroy ML, Primo PG, Charman T, Cramer S, Warberg CK, Canal-Bedia R, Posada M, Scattoni ML, Schendel D. Intervention Services for Autistic Adults: An ASDEU Study of Autistic Adults, Carers, and Professionals’ Experiences. J Autism Dev Disord. 2022 Apr;52(4):1623-1639. doi: 10.1007/s10803-021-05038-0.
7. Ignatova V, Kostadinov K, Vassileva E, Muradyan N, Stefanov G, Iskrov G, Stefanov R. Socio-Economic Burden of Myasthenia Gravis: A Cost-of-Illness Study in Bulgaria. Front Public Health. 2022 Mar 3;10:822909. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.822909. eCollection 2022.
8. Scattoni ML, Micai M, Ciaramella A, Salvitti T, Fulceri F, Fatta LM, Poustka L, Diehm R, Iskrov G, Stefanov R, Guillon Q, Rogé B, Staines A, Sweeney MR, Boilson AM, Leósdóttir T, Saemundsen E, Moilanen I, Ebeling H, Yliherva A, Gissler M, Parviainen T, Tani P, Kawa R, Vicente A, Rasga C, Budişteanu M, Dale I, Povey C, Flores N, Jenaro C, Monroy ML, Primo PG, Charman T, Cramer S, Warberg CK, Canal-Bedia R, Posada M, Schendel D. Real-World Experiences in Autistic Adult Diagnostic Services and Post-diagnostic Support and Alignment with Services Guidelines: Results from the ASDEU Study. J Autism Dev Disord. 2021 Nov;51(11):4129-4146. doi: 10.1007/s10803-021-04873-5.
9. Bozhkova T, Musurlieva N, Slavchev D, Dimitrova M, Rimalovska S. Occlusal Indicators Used in Dental Practice: A Survey Study. Biomed Res Int. 2021 Nov 3;2021:2177385. doi: 10.1155/2021/2177385. eCollection 2021.
10. Bozhkova T, Musurlieva N, Slavchev D. Comparative Study Qualitative and Quantitative Techniques in the Study of Occlusion. Biomed Res Int. 2021 Sep 23;2021:1163874. doi: 10.1155/2021/1163874. eCollection 2021.
11. Rangelova V, Raycheva R, Sariyan S, Kevorkyan A. Reporting adverse events of COVID-19 vaccines: The case of Bulgaria. PLoS One. 2022 Jun 10;17(6):e0269727. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0269727. eCollection 2022.
12. Iskrov G, Vasilev G, Mitev M, Nikolova R, Stoykova M, Stefanov R. Practice Patterns for Early Screening and Evaluation for Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis in Bulgaria. J Autism Dev Disord. 2021 Mar;51(3):778-789. doi: 10.1007/s10803-019-04170-2.
13. Burkert V, Stoykova M, Semerdjieva M. Communication Skills Teaching Methods in Dental Education – a Review. Folia Med (Plovdiv). 2021 Feb 28;63(1):30-34. doi: 10.3897/folmed.63.e52343.
14. Golkocheva-Markova E, Kevorkyan A, Raycheva R, Ismailova C, Yoncheva V, Tenev T, Emilova R, Grigorova L, Baltadzhiev I, Komitova R. Assessment of hepatitis E seropositivity among HIV-infected patients in Bulgaria. Braz J Infect Dis. 2022 Jan-Feb;26(1):102329. doi: 10.1016/j.bjid.2022.102329. Epub 2022 Feb 15.
15. Kalchev Y, Petkova T, Raycheva R, Argirova P, Stoycheva M, Murdjeva M. Combined testing of cerebrospinal fluid IL-12 (p40) and serum C-reactive protein as a possible discriminator of acute bacterial neuroinfections. Cytokine. 2021 Apr;140:155423. doi: 10.1016/j.cyto.2021.155423. Epub 2021 Jan 24