Medical students with innovative point of view on biomedical topics

Тhe public defense of student presentations on current biomedical problems was organized for the 11th time in a row by the Department of Medical Biology. Under the guidance of their teachers and mentors: Chief. Asst. Prof. Maria Gevezova, PhD; Chief. Asst. Prof. Yana Feodorova, PhD; Asst. Tsvetomira Ivanova, PhD and Chief. Asst. Prof. Yordan Sbirkov, PhD, the first-year students Ways Ramadan, Al-Mamoon Ghrairi, Abena Tiwaa and Ovanes Muradyan presented their work in front of professors, colleagues, and friends. The 6th-year student Zdravko Ivanov presented a short report, presenting some of the results of a scientific project in the Department, in which he participates. Among the audience were students from Plovdiv schools with interests in the fields of biology and medicine. Along with the fun games and prizes, Diana Kalofova, Ekaterina Kisova and the dancers from the “Kalamatitsa” dance troupe took care of the audience’s good mood.

The Department of Medical Biology hopes that the traditional interest in science, presented in a non-standard and casual way, will continue to attract more and more young and motivated people.