The Student Council of the Medical University of Plovdiv, together with the AMS – Plovdiv will hold a little quiz on the subject with that goal in mind, called “Antibiotic awareness”

18th November is the date that marks European Antibiotic Awareness Day! Every one of us as a future specialist in the field of medicine should be familiar with the antibiotic resistance as a global problem and how it could be delayed or prevented.

The Student Council of the Medical University of Plovdiv, together with the Association of the Medical Students – Plovdiv will hold a little quiz on the subject with that goal in mind, called ”Antibiotic awareness”, and we invite each and every student of Plovdiv Medical University to take advantage of the chance to check or expand their medical knowledge on this subject.

You can find thе event on MS Forms, it will be online. The link will open at 17.00 and will be active until 18.00.

Each question has only one correct answer!

You will need to think quick since the final ranking will take into consideration not only the amount of correct answers, but also the time it took you to complete them!

The top 3 ranked participants will receive a reward!

*This event is for students of Plovdiv Medical University

Link to the Quiz