Микрохирургия в областта на Офталмологията

Microsurgery in Ophthalmology
We actually do not want to say too much about the procedures, instead, we would like to refer you to the OR-schedule, which is available on www.sectio-chirurgica.de and on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, .

Tune in this Thursday: www.sectio-chirurgica.de

We accompanied surgeons of the Centre for Ophthalmology Tübingen for one day to learn more about their day-to-day work life.

On Thursday, we want to show you some of the procedures we were fortunate enough to film on the day.

First a chat in the studio – then answering your questions

We will show you seven different procedures, which will then be explained and discussed by and with the surgeons. Each surgeon will also be available for your questions in the live-chat, using the account “Team Augenklinik”.

Of course, we will also forward your questions to the studio so Prof. Dr Hirt and Prof. Dr Bartz-Schmidt can answer them as well.

University Eye Hospital Tübingen, Centre for Ophthalmology:

• Prof. Dr K.U. Bartz Schmidt, medical director
• Prof. Dr D. Doycheva, acting senior practitioner
• Dr C. Schramm, acting senior practitioner
• Prof. Dr S. Thaler, FEBO, consultant
• PD Dr B. Voykov, FEBO, MBA, consultant

Procedures & OR-Schedule

We actually do not want to say too much about the procedures, instead, we would like to refer you to the OR-schedule, which is available on www.sectio-chirurgica.de and on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, .

Tune in this Thursday: www.sectio-chirurgica.de