Дирекция „Наука“ на МОН ще проведе уебинар за отворена наука на 29 октомври от 14 до 15.30 ч. (Източноевропейско време).
OpenAIRE webinar with the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science on Tuesday, October 29, from 14 to 15.30 EET.
- 14-14.10: Welcome and overview on the National Action Plan for OS in Bulgaria (Milena Damyanova, Director of Science Directorate)
- 14.15-15.00: Country use cases presentation (moderation: Franziska Krauss)
- 14.15-14.30: The Flemish Open Science roadmap 2019-2024 (Inge Van Nieuwerburgh)
- 14.30-14.45: National training approaches and community building in Portugal (Pedro Príncipe/Paula Moura)
- 14.45-15.00: National Open Access Monitor – the case of Ireland (Leonidas Pispiringas)
- 15-15.30: Discussion with the participants: Q&A on the presentations and Open Science implementation strategies (moderation: Mikaela Stancheva)
Please find the meeting link here: https://edu-box.mon.bg/login.aspx?meet=2031337032
For the discussion – slido. If you would like to add discussion points there, you can already do so.