Welcoming all the incoming Erasmus students on the first event of the semester “Meet and Greet” by ESN Plovdiv
ESN Plovdiv upcoming trips
Brochure for the trip to Blagoevgrad

Erasmus Student Network Plovdiv

General information
Erasmus+ is the EU Programme in the fields of education, training, youth and sport for the period 2014-2020. Erasmus+ is the result of the integration of the following European programmes implemented by the Commission during the period 2007-2013: The Lifelong Learning Programme (Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Comenius, Grundtvig), The Youth in Action Programme, The Erasmus Mundus Programme, Tempus, Alfa, Edulink, Programmes of cooperation with industrialised countries in the field of higher education. The Erasmus+ programme’s aims are to help establish stable partnerships between education and business thus promoting innovation and competitiveness, and at the same time improve employability and especially fight against youth unemployment.
In order to achieve its objectives, the Erasmus+ Programme implements the following Actions:
Key Action 1: Mobility of individuals
Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Key Action 3: Support for policy reform
The Erasmus+ Programme is open to member states of the European Union, the following non-EU programme countries – former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Turkey, as well as partner countries outside EU for certain Actions of the Programme.
The award of an Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) is a pre-requisite for all higher education institutions established in a Programme Country that wish to participate in a Higher Education mobility project. By signing the Erasmus Charter the HEI commits itself to providing the necessary support for the realisation of mobilities Erasmus charter higer education 2014-2027
Learning Mobility of Individuals (Key Action 1)
Projects under this Action promote transnational mobility activities targeting learners (students, trainees, apprentices, young people and volunteers), and staff (professors, teachers, trainers, youth workers, and people working in organisations active in the education, training and youth fields).
Mobility activities for higher education students and staff
- Student mobility. Student mobility for studies can support short cycle, first cycle (bachelor or equivalent), second cycle (master or equivalent) and third cycle (doctoral level) students for a study period abroad at a partner higher education institution. Student mobility for traineeships can support short cycle, first cycle (bachelor or equivalent), second cycle (master or equivalent) and third cycle (doctoral level) students as well as recent graduates (within one year after graduation) for a traineeship / work placement at another higher education institution or an enterprise.
Different HEIs may have different additional requirements which each applicant should take into consideration before contacting and sending documents to the respective HEI.
- Staff mobility. Staff mobility for teaching allows Higher Education Institutions (HEI) teaching staff or staff from enterprises to teach at a partner HEI abroad.Staff mobility for training supports the professional development of HEI teaching and non-teaching staff in the form of training events abroad (excluding conferences) and job shadowing/observation periods/training at a partner HEI, or at another relevant organisation abroad.
Before the Erasmus exchange can take place the two HEIs should have signed a bilateral inter-institutional agreement which specifies the number of mobility participants and duration of mobility period.
Medical University Plovdiv has signed bilateral Erasmus+ agreements with more than 100 higher education institutions in 22 European countries (Austria, Belgium, Germany, Greece, Estonia, Italy, Spain, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Hungary, Finland, France, the Netherlands, Croatia, Czech Republic) and 13 inter-institutional agreements with univerities in 9 partner countries outside Europe (Israel, China, Columbia, USA, Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Indonesia). Detailed information about partner HEIs, number and types of mobility, including by specialty, can be found in the following files:
Inter-institutional agreements with higher education institutions in partner countries for which funding has been won
Inter-institutional agreements with higher education institutions in programme countries
Download “Inter-institutional agreements with HEIs in programme countries”
Inter-institutional agreements with higher education institutions in partner countries
Download “Inter-institutional agreements with HEIs in partner countries”
Erasmus charter higer education 2014-2027
List of Accredited HEIs within the Erasmus+ Programme 2021-2027
Download “Erasmus Policy Statement”
Erasmus+ programme guide
Inter-institutional agreements with higher education institutions in programme countries
Download “Inter-institutional agreements with HEIs in programme countries”
Inter-institutional agreements with higher education institutions in partner countries
Download “Inter-institutional agreements with HEIs in partner countries”
Outgoing students
Download "Learning Agreement for Studies"
Download "Learning Agreement for Traineeships"
Download "Certificate of Stay (studies)"
Download "Certificate of Stay (traineeship)"
Download "Traineeship Certificate"
Outgoing staff
Download "Mobility Agreement for Teaching"
Download "Mobility Agreement for Training"
Download "Certificate of attendance (teaching)"
Download "Certificate of attendance (training)"
Incoming students
Application form
Download "Confirmation letter"
Download "Learning Agreement for Studies"
Download "Learning Agreement for Traineeships"
Download "Certificate of Stay (studies)"
Download "Certificate of Stay (traineeship)"
Download "Transcript of Records"
Download "Traineeship Certificate"
Incoming Staff
Download "Confirmation letter"
Download "Mobility Agreement for Teaching"
Download "Mobility Agreement for Training"
Download "Certificate of attendance (teaching)"
Download "Certificate of attendance (training)"
The Erasmus+ programme in Bulgaria is promoted and implemented by the Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC).
Detailed information about the programme can be found on the National Agency’s web site: