Latin sillabi
- Syllabus in Latin for the specialty of Medicine
- Syllabus in Latin for the specialty of Medicine with English as language of instruction
- Syllabus in Latin for the specialty of Dental medicine
- Syllabus in Latin for the specialty of Dental medicine with English as language of instruction
- Syllabus in Latin for the specialty of Pharmacy
- Syllabus in Latin for the specialty of Pharmacy with English as language of instruction
- Syllabus in Latin for the specialty of Midwifery
- Syllabus in Latin for the specialty of Nursing
- Academic standard for the discipline Latin language with medical terms for “Medicine” and “Dental Medicine”
- Academic standard for the discipline Latin language with medical terms for Pharmacy
Syllabi and academic standards in foreign language
- Foreign language syllabus for the specialty of Medicine
- Foreign language syllabus for the specialty of Dental medicine
- Foreign language syllabus for the specialty of Pharmacy
- Foreign language syllabus for the specialty of Nursing
- Foreign language syllabus for the specialty of Midwifery
- English language syllabus for foreign students – preparatory course
- Academic standard for the foreign language discipline for the specialty of Medicine
- Academic standard for the foreign language discipline for the specialty of Dental medicine
- Academic standard for the foreign language discipline for the specialty of Pharmacy
Training activity
The Foreign Languages section organizes the foreign language training of students and doctoral students from all specialties in the Medical University of Plovdiv. Latin and modern European languages – English, German and French are taught.
The section has 5 seminar rooms and 3 teacher offices.
Latin language training provides students of all specialties with the opportunity to get acquainted with the grammatical and lexical minimum, which is the basic microlanguage in the field of medical sciences and necessary for proper understanding, reading and writing diagnoses and prescriptions, for decoding and understanding complex terms from pathoanatomy and clinical cases.
The course in Latin presents medical terminology as an integral part of the professional development of future specialists and emphasizes the basic language training, mandatory for every specialist in the European space.
♦ Hours: 60 academic hours for the specialties of medicine, dentistry and pharmacy, distributed in the I and II semesters of the academic curriculum (2 academic hours a week); 30 hours for the nursing, midwifery and physician assistant specialties in the first semester.
♦ Type of tuition: seminars
♦ Examination and assessment of knowledge:
• final exam grade for the specialties of medicine, dentistry and pharmacy. It is formed by a final test – 50% – and the results of continuous assessment and term tests – 50%.
• written term exam for the specialties of nursing and midwifery.
The training in modern foreign languages aims at acquiring knowledge and skills for full use of a foreign language both in professional communication (as a tool for using specialized literature and a means of professional communication) in an academic or professional environment.
♦ Compulsory Elective Subjects:
• specialized language training in medical terminology, translation and communication for students of all specialties;
• specialized language training for full-time doctoral students.
♦ Elective (optional) courses:
• general language training in modern languages throughout the course of study, differentiated by syllabus, level of language control and intensity;
• specialized course in translation of medical literature.
♦ Hours: 60 academic hours, distributed in the III and IV semesters of the curriculum / 2 academic hours a week / for the specialties of medicine, dentistry and pharmacy;
60 academic hours in the I and II semesters for the specialties of nursing and midwifery.
♦ Type of tuition: seminars
♦ Examination and assessment of knowledge:
Continuous assessment of speaking and writing skills and term tests – 50%
Final exam – 50%
Training courses
- Latin with medical terminology:
- Latin with medical terminology for the specialty of Medicine
- Latin with medical terminology for the specialty of Medicine with English as language of instruction.
- Latin with medical terminology for the specialty of Dental medicine
- Latin with medical terminology for the specialty of Dental medicine with English as language of instruction.
- Latin with medical terminology for the specialty of Pharmacy
- Latin with medical terminology for the specialty of Pharmacy with English as language of instruction.
- Latin with medical terminology for the specialty of Nursing
- Latin with medical terminology for the specialty of Midwifery
- Latin with medical terminology for the specialty of Physician assistant
- English:
- English for the specialty of Medicine . Level А1-А2
- English for the specialty of Medicine. Level В1-В2
- English for the specialty of Dental medicine. Level А1-А2
- English for the specialty of Dental medicine. Level В1-В2
- English for the specialty of Pharmacy. Level А1-А2
- English for the specialty of Pharmacy. Level В1-В2
- English for the specialty of Nursing. Level А1-А2
- English for the specialty of Midwifery. Level А1-А2
- Upgrading English course – for students enrolled with English as languafe of instruction. Level А2-В1
- English for all specialties – facultative (optional) general language course. Level А2-В1
- English for all specialties – facultative (optional) general language course. Level B1- B2
- English. Specialized facultative (optional) course Translation of medical literature. Level В2-С1
- Preparatory course in English for students with English as language of instruction.
- German:
- German for the specialty of Medicine. Level А2 – В1
- German for the specialty of Medicine. Level В1-В2
- German for the specialty of Dental medicine. Level А2-В1
- German for the specialty of Dental medicine. Level В1-В2
- German for the specialty of Pharmacy. Level А2-В1
- German for the specialty of Pharmacy. Level В1-В2
- German for the specialty of Nursing. Level А1-А2
- German for the specialty of Midwifery. Level А1-А2
- German for all specialties – facultative (optional) general language course. Level А1-А2.
- German for all specialties – facultative (optional) general language course. Level А2-В1
- German – specialized facultative (optional) course – Translation of medical literature Level В2-С1.
- French:
- French for the specialty of Medicine. Level А2-В1.
- French for the specialty of Medicine. Level В1-В2.
- German for the specialty of Dental medicine. Level А2-В1.
- French for the specialty of Pharmacy. Level В1-В2.
- French for the specialty of Nursing. Level А1-А2.
- French for the specialty of Midwifery. Level А1-А2.
- French for all specialties – facultative (optional) general language course. Level А1-А2.
- French for all specialties – facultative (optional) general language course. Level А2-В1.
- French for all specialties – facultative (optional) general language course. Level В1-В2.
- French for specific purposes – translation of medical literature, conversation with practical grammar, student mobility Erasmus +.
- PhD courses:
- English for PhD students. Level В2-С1
- German for PhD students. Level В2-С1
- French for PhD students. Level В2-С1
Academic Staff
Zlatina Zheleva – Senior Lecturer – Head of Foreign Languages Section
Latin Teachers:
Assoc. Prof. Dimitar Mirchev, PhD
Veronika Kelbecheva, PhD – Senior Lecturer
Yavora Oprova – Senior Lecturer
Gergana Petkova, Phd – Senior Lecturer
Snezhana Tsvyatkova – Lecturer
Kamenka Rangelova – Lecturer
Blagovest Gavazov – Lecturer
English Teachers:
Irina Mitarcheva, PhD – Senior Lecturer
Zlatina Zheleva – Senior Lecturer – Head of Foreign Languages Section
Blagoy Ayvazov – Senior Lecturer
Krikor Indjian – Lecturer
Lecturer Tania Koleva
French teachers:
Aneta Tosheva – Senior Lecturer
German teachers:
Elena Kiskinova, PhD – Senior Lecturer
The research activity of the teaching staff develops in two directions:
• language studies of fundamental character in phonetic, lexical, morphosyntactic, stylistic and pragmatic terms are carried out and published;
• works of applied character – methodology of foreign language teaching, text analysis, theory and practice of translation, editing, reviewing and translation of educational and methodical literature of textbooks and teaching aids.
A number of the teachers have specialized abroad in individual or international research projects or training programs, where they were also invited as lecturers:
• E. Kiskinova – at the Humboldt University in Berlin – Institute of German Language and Linguistics, at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, at the Goethe Institut in Munich, at the University of Vienna (Universität Wien), at the Austrian Educational Foundation in Vienna;
• A. Tosheva – at the University “Paris 4 – La Sorbonne” (2004, 2016), at the University of Nantes (2006), at the Faculty of Medicine Lariboisière – St. Louis ”at the University of Paris 7 – Denis Diderot (1997), the Faculty of Medicine at the University“ Reims – Champagne-Ardennes ”(1997).
• V. Kelbecheva at the University of La Sapienza and Tor Vergata in Rome.
• I. Mitarcheva in the Directorate-General for Translation of the European Commission in Luxembourg (October 1, 2019 – February 29, 2020);
• G. Petkova – Two-week specialization at the Hardt Foundation, Geneva, Switzerland; 2017; Обучение по поргамме повышения квалификации „Русский язык. Коммуникация. Образовательные технологии“ в Государственном институте русского языка им. А. С. Пушкина, Москва (Руссия). ; 05.10. 2014 – 11.10.2014
Project activity:
• “Kommunikation im medizinischen Bereich” – an International project with the Institute of German Language and Linguistics at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany / E. Kiskinova /;
• International project BG-PLGERM: “Qualification in German language teaching methodology” in partnership with SES, Germany / E. Кiskinova /;
• International project BG-PLGERM: “Qualification in the methodology of teaching German language”, in which the partner of MU is SES / ‘SENIOR EXPERT SERVICE’ / Germany / E. Kiskinova /
• International project “Regional Francophone Network for Health, Nutrition and Food Safety in consortium with 13 universities from Central and Eastern Europe.В оригинал: « Réseau régional francophone sur la santé, la nutrition et la sécurité alimentaire (SaIN) », (2017-2019)“ BECO-S0118FCT65000-2017 (А. Tosheva)
• International project “Summer Doctoral School in French” Introduction to biostatistical analysis with SPSS software – Statistics for Windows, Version 17.0”. «Introduction à l’analyse biostatistique avec SPSS Statistics for Windows,Version 17.0Training for PhD students from Central and Eastern Europe within the AUF project « Soutien à l’organisation de l’école d’été doctorale » (2017) (А. Tosheva)
• International project “Expert Dialogue – 2” (a project of the University Agency of the Francophonie and the French Institute, in collaboration with the University of Paris 4 – Sorbonne.) « Dialogue d’expertise – Volet 2 », projet mené conjointement par l’AUF et l’Institut Français à l’Université Paris 4 – La Sorbonne (2016). (А. Tosheva)
• International project “Expert Dialogue” (project of the University Agency of Francophonie and the French Institute). « Dialogue d’expertise », projet mené conjointement par l’AUF et l’Institut Français (2014 – 2015). (А. Tosheva)
• International project “French in the multilingual context of Central and Eastern Europe” (project of medical universities in Plovdiv, Cluj-Napoca (Romania), Chisinau (Moldova) and the University of Nantes (France). “Le Français médical en contexte plurilingue en Europe centrale et orientale BECO/P1/2011/46125FT » (2011-2014) (А. Tosheva)
• International project in a consortium of 17 universities MEDUCATOR: “Multi-type Content Repurpusing and Sharing in Medical Education” ECP 2008 EDU 418006 (А. Тошева)
• European program TEMPUS-PHARE 1997. Individual project TEMPUS No IMG-96-BG-2105 (А. Tosheva)
• National Scientific Program “Electronic Healthcare in Bulgaria (e-Health)”. 2018-2021. Ministry of Education and Science. (А. Tosheva)
National project to the Operational Program “Human Resources Development” “Doctoral training at MU-Plovdiv for competence, creativity, originality, implementation and academism in science and technology (DOCTORATE)” BG51PO001-3.3.06-0011 “A. Tosheva, E Kiskinova, J. Delipavlova-Mladenova)
• HOPE (How Oncogenetics Predicts and Educates) International project (2019 – 2021), (J. Delipavlova-Mladenova, A. Tosheva)
• National project of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski “Publicity Research” within the Operational Program “Human Resources Development” / V. Kelbecheva /
• A project аpproved for NSF funding – “Plovdiv – from a multilingual and multicultural center of Eastern Rumelia to the European Capital of Culture” / I. Mitarcheva /
• Participation in the organization of a training course on content-language integrated learning (CLIL) under the Erasmus + program, KD1 of teachers from Sint-Lodewijks College in Bruges, Belgium in the period 9-13 July 2018 at MU-Plovdiv / I. Mitarcheva/
• Project № BG05M2OP001-2.009-0025 “Doctoral training at MU-Plovdiv for Competence, Creativity, Originality, Realization and Academism in Science and Technology – 2 (DOCTORATE 2)”, funded by the Operational Program “Science and Education for Smart Growth” from the European Union through the European Structural and Investment Funds (participant as a postdoctoral fellow). 2017-2018 / G. Petkova/
• – Project № DM 20/6 of 20.12.2017 “A bridge between the university environment of intercultural communication – how we/to understand each other while learning together”, funded by the Research Fund COMPETITION FOR FINANCING RESEARCH OF YOUNG SCIENTISTS AND POSTDOCTORAL STUDENTS – 2017 2017-2019 / G. Petkova/
• 2019 – “Personal names in Bulgaria at the beginning of the 21st century”, funded by the Research Fund COMPETITION FOR FINANCING FUNDAMENTAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH – 2019 / G. Petkova /
Participation in international programs and exchanges:
• Participation in international programs International exchange of teachers at Humboldt University, Berlin in partnership with the German Academic Exchange Office / E. КIskinova/
• GOETHE INSTITUT München /Е. Кiskinova/;
• Participation in teacher mobility under the Erasmus + program – / I. Mitarcheva / 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019; E. Kiskinova 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019; / G. Petkova/2016, 2017, 2018, 2019; /Z.Zheleva/ 2017, 2018, 2019; Aneta Tosheva – Nice-Sophia Antipolis University of Nice, France (2018), Nicolae Testemitanu University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Cluj-Napoca, Romania (2017), Masarikow University, Brno, Czech Republic (2015), AGROSUP University, Dijon, France (2011); National Program for Support of Young Scientists and Postdoctoral Students at the Ministry of Education and Science (2019, 2020) G. Petkova
Publications related to the main areas of research.
The publications of the teaching staff of the department include textbooks on specialized language training, bilingual and multilingual dictionaries and teaching aids, as well as articles in specialized issues, scientific communications and reports within national and international scientific conferences at Bulgarian and foreign universities and scientific institutions (in Germany, Austria, France, Belgium, Scotland, Jordan, Northern Macedonia, Romania, Croatia, Hungary, Poland, etc.).
During the period 2016-2020 more than 40 articles were published in international specialized scientific journals and collections, over 20 participations in national and international congresses and conferences, over 10 participations in training seminars.
8. Monographs
V. Kelbecheva “The Roman sacred calendar and the religious reforms of Augustus” at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski ”, 2015
D. Mirchev “Philosophical and religious ways to ontologize the existence of God” SWU “Neofit Rilski”, Blagoevgrad, 2016
G. Petkova “Personal names with Latin roots in the Slavic languages (Bulgarian, Serbian, Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Polish, Czech, Slovenian, Slovak and Croatian)”. Institute of Bulgarian Language at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (June 30, 2016).
I. Mitarcheva: “Bilingualism and Diglossia in Northern Ireland, Wales, Scotland and Eyre” and the acquisition of a PhD degree on September 16, 2019.