Officers responsible for contact with students and other interested parties:
Assoc. Prof. Daniela Kafalova, PhD [email protected]
Chief Assis. prof. Evelina Gavazova, PhD [email protected]
e-mail : [email protected]
Phone: 032 200-771
Academic standards
- Academic standard in Pharmacoeconomics
- Academic standard in Pharmaceutical care
- Academic standard in History of pharmacy
- Academic standard in Social pharmacy and pharmaceutical legislation
- Program in Pharmacoeconomics
- Program in Pharmaceutical care
- Program in History of pharmacy
- Program in Social pharmacy and pharmaceutical legislation and regulation
- Syllabus Social pharmacy
- Syllabus Pharmacoeconomics
- Syllabus Pharmaceutical care
- Syllabus History of pharmacy
- Syllabus Medical devices
- Pharmaceutical Care;
- Pharmacoeconomics;
- Social Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Legislation;
- History of Pharmacy;
- Clinical Pharmacy and New Areas in Pharmaceutical Practice.
Requirements for conducting a colloquium on social pharmacy and pharmaceutical legislation 2024
The academic staff of the department participates in the study of students from the “Master of Pharmacy” students at the Faculty of Pharmacy and the “Pharmacy Assistant” specialty at the Medical College of MU-Plovdiv in the following disciplines:
The department is a base for postgraduate training of master pharmacists in the Postgraduate education “Organization and Economics of Distribution and Pharmacy Practice” within the Ministry of Health system.
PhD students are trained in the department under an accredited doctoral program “Pharmacoeconomics and Pharmaceutical Regulation”.
Academic staff
Assoc. Prof. Daniela Dimitrova Grekova-Kafalova, MPharm, PhD – Head of department

Prof. Stanislav Radoslavov Georgiev, MPharm, PhD – Responsible for research activities and Postgraduate education

Chief Assist. Prof. Vasil Georgiev Madzharov, MPharm, PhD – Responsible for Fire safety and work safety

Chief Assist. Prof. Radiana Atanasova Staynova, MPharm, PhD – Chief Assistant Professor for Administrative Activities and Responsible for teaching activities

Chief Assis. prof. Evelina Gavazova, PhD – Responsible for Quality control and accreditation; Responsible for International Cooperation and Project Activity; Financially responsible person

Assist. Prof. Nelina Neycheva, MPharm

Assist. Prof. Katerina Slavcheva, MPharm

Hristina Ivanova Stoynova, MScPharm, PhD student

Research activity
Current research dactivities are related to child health, medication use during pregnancy, and the assessment of pregnant women’s knowledge about the spontaneous reporting system for adverse drug reactions, drug safety, and the role of the pharmacist in managing gestational diabetes and other socially significant diseases, attitudes and barriers to providing pharmaceutical care to pregnant women.
Marketing trends in the pharmaceutical sector, the risks of self-medication, and the pharmacist’s role, as well as verbal and non-verbal approaches to improving patient adherence to therapy, are being monitored
Pharmacoeconomic analyses for significant diseases.
The regulation of medical products in Bulgaria, Europe, and worldwide is analyzed.
In recent years, the department’s collective has published articles in international and national journals, many of which have an impact factor.
Five monographs have been published, and the scientific works have been cited by many Bulgarian and foreign authors.
The results of the department’s research activities have been disseminated at prestigious scientific forums in the country and abroad.
- Dimitrova Z, Petkova V, Georgiev St. (2009) Pharmaceutical Care. University Press “Kl. Ohridski”
- Petkova V, Petrova G, Dimitrova M, Manova M, Savova A, Dimitrova M, Kamusheva M, Andreevska K, Grekova D, Madzharov V. (2015) Pharmaceutical Care, Sofia, ISBN 978-619-183-032-9
- Dimitrova Z, Petkova V, Georgiev St, Andreevska K, Staynova R, Madzharov V, Grekova D. (2016) Pharmaceutical Care. TEA Design Ltd, Sofia, ISBN 978-619-90647-1-9, third revised and expanded edition
- Dimitrova Z, Georgiev S, Andreevska K, Madzharov V, Grekova D, Kiskinova R. (2016) History of Pharmacy. TEA Design Ltd, Sofia, ISBN 978-954-91660-9-5, 4th edition
- Karaivanova M, Peychev L, Delev D, Georgiev St. (2018) Drug Interactions. TEA Design Ltd, Sofia
- Lambov N, Rachev D, Dimitrov M, Yoncheva K, Momekova D, Kostova B, Tsankov B. (2019) Pharmaceutical Technology. Sofprint Group AD
- Petrova G, Petkova V, Danchev N, Savov A, Manova M, Getov I, Mitov K, Dimitrova M, Kamusheva M, Doneva M, Grekova D, Georgieva S, Tsvetkova A, Mitova Z, Andreevska K, Tashkov K. (2020) Pharmacoeconomics. INFOFARMA Ltd
- Petrova G, Petkova V, Getov I, Al. Savova, M. Dimitrova, M. Manova, M. Kamusheva, S. Mitkova, K. Tashkov, N. Gerasimov, H. Lebanova, A. Todorova, K. Andreevska, D. Grekova, St. Georgiev, Sv. Georgieva, V. Getova-Kolarova, P. Milusheva, V. Madzharov, R. Staynova, E. Gavazova, L. Marinov. (2024) Social Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Legislation. Central Medical Library Publishing House, MU-Sofia, ISBN 978-691-7491-80-7
- Grekova D, Dimitrova M, Andreevska K, Petkova V, Madzharov V, Gueorguiev St, Petrova G. (2014) Cost-effectivness of real life asthma pharmacotherapy. J Int Soc Pharmacoecon Outcomes Res, 17, 7, ISSN 1098-3015, A596
- Petkova E, Ivanov K, Ivanova S, Gueorguiev St, Staynova R. (2017) Most sold categories food supplements in Bulgarian pharmacies – research. Ind J Med Res Pharm Sci, 4(5):15-18
- Staynova R, Gueorguiev S, Petkova-Gueorguieva E, Madzharov V, Ivanova St, Ivanov K. (2017) Importance of self-monitoring of blood glucose in gestational diabetes: pharmacists’ role in improving patient’s compliance – pilot study. IOSR J Pharm, 7(11):15-18
- Ivanova S, Ivanov K, Staynova R, Rangelov V, Stoilova L. (2017) Nutritional management of gestational diabetes melitus. Int J Sci Eng Appl Sci, 3(11):47-53
- Staynova R, Gueorguiev S, Petkova-Gueorguieva E, Vasileva E, Stoimenova A, Ianatchkova V, Madzharov V. (2018) Written health education materials for women with gestational diabetes mellitus – evaluation of usefulness and patients’ satisfaction. Fol Med, 61(1):127-133. doi: 10.2478/folmed-2018-0041
- Staynova R, Gueorguiev S, Gueorguieva-Petkova E, Petleshkova P. (2018) A comparative study on diabetes self-management in pregnant women with gestational diabetes and pre-existing diabetes. Biom Res, 29(18):3526-3531
- Getova V, Georgiev S, Stoimenova A, Petkova-Georgieva E. (2018) Bulgarian experience with adverse drug reaction reports from patients and consumers-retrospective data-base study. Fol Med, 60(3):447-53
- Lebanova HV, Staynova R, Getova V. Pharmacists’ role in risk communication on self-medication: Pilot study from Bulgaria. Drug Safety 2018; 41(11): 1186-1186.
- Manova M, Savova A, Vasileva M, Terezova S, Kamusheva M, Grekova D, Petkova V, Petrova G., Comparative analysis of price of biological products for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2018, Front. Pharmacol. 9:1070. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2018.01070 „Biologic Drugs in Autoimmune Diseases“,
- Maria Dimitrova, Maria Kamusheva, Konstantin Mitov, Daniela Grekova, Guenka Petrova, Screening and diagnosis of chronic HCV infection in Bulgaria: A review of the current practice, Biomedical Research, 2018, Volume 29, Issue 13, DOI: 10.4066/biomedicalresearch.29-18-781, p. 2846-2853, IF=0.29
- Tachkov K, Kamusheva M, Andreevska K, Grekova D, Mitov K, Indirect costs associated with COPD in Bulgaria, Value in Health, Volum 20, Number 5, May 2017, PRS29, ISSN 1098-3015, A204-A205
- Antonia Kondova, Anna Todorova, Antoaneta Tsvetkova, Kalina Andreevska, Daniela Grekova, Valentina Petkova , Analysis of the degree of adherence to therapy in patients with diagnosed depression – CBU International Conference ON INNOVATIONS IN SCIENCE AND EDUCATION, 2018, volume 6, p. 916-921
- Antonia Kondova, Anna Todorova, Antoaneta Tsvetkova, Mariana Arnaoudova, Kalina Andreevska, Daniela Grekova, SCREENING AND RISK ASSESSMENT FOR DEPRESSION IN COMMUNITY PHARMACY- PILOT STUDY, Journal of IMAB – Annual Proceeding (Scientific Papers),ISSN: 1312-773X (Online), 2018, vol. 24, issue 1, p.1928-1931, DOI: 10.5272/jimab.2018241.1928
- Grekova Daniela, Andreevska Kalina, Petrova Guenka, Petkova Valentina, ASSESSMENT OF THE SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC BURDEN OF GLAUCOMA IN BULGARIA, Biomedical research, 2018, vol. 29, issue 12, ISSN 0970-938X, p.2578-2581, DOI: 10.4066/biomedicalresearch.29-18-647
- Stoilova L, Stoilov B, Staynova R. (2019) Food suplements during pregnancy benefits and risks: a literature review. Eur Sci J, 15(24):13-31
- Petkova-Gueorguieva E, Getov I, Ivanov K, Ivanova S, Gueorguiev S, Getova V, Mihaylova A, Madzharov V, Staynova R. (2019) Regulatory requirements for food supplements in the European Union and Bulgaria. Fol Med, 61(1):41-8
- Tachkov Konstantin, Dimitrova Maria, Mitov Konstantin, Savova Alexandra, Maria Kamusheva, Dimitrov Jordan, Manova Manoela, Daniela Grekova, Petkova Valentina, Micro- and Macro analysis on the burden of COPD hospitalizations on the Bulgarian health care system, Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment, 2019, Volume 33, Issue 1, ISSN 1310-2818, p. 1-11, https://doi.org/10.1080/13102818.2018.1483739
- Emil Hristov, Sava Ognyanov, Tzvetomir Deliyski, Kalina Andreevska, Hristo Burgazliev, Daniela Grekova, Zlatka Dimitrova, Emanuyl Yordanov, Deyan Rashkov, Effect of Pharmacist Involvement on Patient Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions in Bulgaria, Journal of Advanced Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences & Pharmacology Interventions, Volume 2, Issue 2 – 2018, p. 1-6, http://www.medicaljournalshouse.com/index.php/PharmaceuticalSci-Pharmacology/article/view/36/54
- Hristov E, Ognyanov S, Deliyski Tz, Andreevska K, Grekova D, Burgazliev H, Dimitrova Zl, Yordanov E, Rashkov D. Adverse drug reaction reporting by patients in Bulgaria.//Scientific works of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria-Plovdiv, series G. Medicine, Pharmacy and Dental medicine, Vol.ХХIII. ISSN 1311-9427 (Print), 2019, p.372-379, ISSN 2534-9392 (On-line)
- Yanachkova V, Chaveeva P, Staynova R, Milcheva R. Autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type 2 and pregnancy. Folia Medica. 2020;30; 62:408.
- Yanachkova V, Staynova R. Insulin-induced lipoatrophy in a patient on insulin analogue therapy: a case report. Folia Medica. 2020; 62:597.
- Stoev Sv.,Gueorguiev St., Madzharov V., Lebanova Hr. Naproxen in Pain and Inflammation – A Review. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Phytopharmacological Research (eUPPR). 2021; Vol. 11 No.1, 142-148.
- Staynova R, Vasileva E, Stankova T, Yanachkova V. The impact of a printed educational booklet on disease awareness in women with gestational diabetes. European Journal of Public Health. 2021;31(Supplement_3):ckab165-564.
- Staynova R, Gvozdeva Y, Peikova L, Mihaylova A. Bulgarian community pharmacists’ attitudes and barriers towards pharmaceutical care provision for pregnant women. Pharmacia. 2021; 68:511.
- Gavazova, E., Grekova, D. IMPACT OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON THE MEDICINES SUPPLY CHAIN IN EUROPE. Trakia Journal of Sciences, 19(2), (2021), p. 56-63, ISSN 1313-3551 (online), doi: 10.15547/tjs.2021.s.02.011
- Evelina Gavazova, Daniela Grekova, Kalina Andreevska, The role of pharmacists during covid-19 pandemic, Scientific works of the Union of Scientists in BulgariaPlovdiv, series G. Medicine, Pharmacy and Dental medicine, Vol. ХХVI. ISSN 1311- 9427 (Print), ISSN 2534-9392 (On-line). 2021, p. 160-164
- Petkova-Gueorguieva E., Gueorguiev St., Lebanova Hr., Madzharov V., Mihaylova A. Survey on Sildenafil, Tadalafil, and Vardenafil Concentrations in Food Supplements for Erectile Dysfunction. International Journal of Analytical Chemistry. 2022; Vol.22, Article ID 3950190, 6 pages.( IF2021-1.698).
- Yanachkova V, Staynova R, Stoev S, Naseva E. Benefits of using a microencapsulated vitamin D delivery system in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy. 2023;30(5):284-7.
- Yanachkova V, Staynova R, Naseva E, Kamenov Z. The Role of Placental Growth Factor in the Prediction of Carbohydrate and Thyroid Disorders during Pregnancy. Medicina. 2022;58(2):232
- Staynova R, Vasileva E, Yanachkova V. Gestational diabetes mellitus: a growing economic concern. Folia Medica. 2022;64(5):725-32.
- Gavazova E, Staynova R, Kafalova DG. Pharmacists’ Engagement in the Adverse Drug Reactions Reporting Process During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Drug Safety. 2022;45(10):1191-2.
- Gavazova E, Staynova R, Grekova-Kafalova D. The impact of polypharmacy on the clinical outcomes in multimorbid patients with COVID-19-a systematic review. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy 2022; 44(6): 1557-1558).
- Staynova R, Getova V, Gavazova E, Kafalova DG. Breastfeeding Women’s Knowledge Toward Spontaneous Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions-a Pilot Study from Bulgaria. Drug Safety. 2022;45(10):1261.
- Esad ME, Popova M, Gavazova E, Staynova R, Grekova-Kafalova D. Benefits of telepharmacy services for improving medication safety in cardiovascular diseases. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety 2022;31: 601-601.
- Stoynova, H.I., Staynova, R., Gavazova, E. and Grekova-Kafalova, D., 2022, September. Experiences and barriers of community pharmacists towards participation in COVID-19 vaccination campaigns. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. 2022;31: 602-602.
- Gavazova EZ, Grekova-Kafalova DD. Pharmaceutical care for patients with headache. Folia Medica. 2022;64(3):373-9.
- Gavazva E, Grekova D. Students’ perceptions and impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the pharmaceutical education in Bulgaria: a pilot project. Pharmacy Education. 2022;22(1):569-72.
- Gavazva, E., Grekova, D. Students’ perceptions and impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the pharmaceutical education in Bulgaria: A pilot project. Pharmacy Education, 22(1), 2022, p. 569-572., DOI: https://doi.org/10.46542/pe.2022.221.569572
- Gavazova EZ, Grekova-Kafalova DD. Pharmaceutical care for patients with headache. Folia Med (Plovdiv). 2022 Jun 30;64(3):373-379. doi: 10.3897/folmed.64.e63095, PMID: 35856096.
- Stoynova, H. I., Staynova, R., Gavazova, E., Grekova-Kafalova, D. Challenges of medication adherence in chronic diseases: with a focus on diabetes. Научни трудове на Съюза на учените Пловдив, Серия Г. Медицина, фармация и дентална медицина, Том XХVII, 2022, ISSN 2534-9392 (On-line), p. 257-261
- Lebanova Hr., Stoev Sv., Veleva N., Belcheva S., Madzharov V., Gueorguiev St. Prevalence of self-medication with antibiotics in Europe: A Scoping review. J Biomed Clin Res, 2023; Vol. 16 No. 1, 5-16.
- Petkova Gueorguieva E., Lebanova H., Mihaylova A., Petrova G., Madzharov V., Gueorguiev St. TRAINING ON NITROUS OXIDE (“LAUGHING GAS”), ITS IMPACT ON THE HEALTH AND MENTAL STATUS OF ADOLESCENTS. PREVENTION OF ITS USE. ICERI 2023 Proceedings, IATED, 2023; 8827-8831. DOI: 10.21125/iceri.2023.2247
- Mihaylova A., Hadzhieva B., Argilashki D., Kasnakova P., Gueorguieva E., Gueorguiev St., Semerdjieva M., Bakova D. BULGARIAN PHARMACISTS’ATTITUDES AND BARRIERS TOWARDS PHARMACEUTICAL CARE PROVISION FOR INCREASING IMMUNITY IN CHILDREN. Revista Farmacia, 2023; Vol. 71 No.2, 411-418. (IF 2021- 1.55).
- Pavlova G., Todorova A., Georgiev T., Petkova-Gueorguieva E., Mihaylova A., Peikova L., Balkanski St., Gueorguiev St. Assessment of patients’ awareness on drugs use and adherence to drug therapy as an element of Medication Review service. Pharmacia, 2023; 70(3): 595-601. (IF 2023- 1.10)
- Staynova R, Yanachkova V. Weight management strategies and food supplement intake among Bulgarian adults: results of a national survey. Pharmacia. 2023;70(4):1119-26.
- Yanachkova V, Staynova R, Stankova T, Kamenov Z. Placental growth factor and pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A as potential early predictors of gestational diabetes mellitus. Medicina. 2023;59(2):398.
- Yanachkova V, Stankova T, Staynova R. Thyroid dysfunction as a long-term post-COVID-19 complication in mild-to-moderate COVID-19. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment. 2023;37(1):194-202
- Valentina Petkova, Anna Peneva, Kalina Andreevska, Emil Hristov, Daniela Grekova, Anna Todorova, Antoaneta Tsvetkova, Milen Dimitrov, Level of hypertension treatment adherence during pandemic, Pharmacia 70.3 (2023): 643-648.
- Veselina Goranova-Marinova, Daniela Grekova, Vania Georgieva, Kalina Andreevska, Yana Gvozdeva, Margarita Kassarova, Zhanet Grudeva-Popova, Analysis of the pharmacotherapeutic effectiveness of the tyrosine kinase inhibitors therapy in patients with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in a single hematology center in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, Pharmacia 70 (4) (2023), 1355-1362
- Staynova R, Gavazova E, Yanachkova V, Kafalova D. Bulgarian community pharmacists’ knowledge towards diabetes mellitus management: results of a pilot survey. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. 2024;209.
- Yanachkova VE, Staynova R, Stoev S, Kamenov Z. Mettformin-associated maternal and neonatal outcomes in women with gestational diabetes-a retrospective cohort study. Ginekologia Polska. 2024; ;95(4):259-265.
- Gavazova E, Staynova R, Grekova-Kafalova D. Managing polypharmacy through medication review tools–pros and cons. Folia Medica. 2024;66(2):161-70.
- Georgiev St. (2012) Drug Information in Pharmacy Practice. TEA Design, Sofia, ISBN: 978-954-91660-5-7
- Georgiev St. (2018) Self-Management – Key Element of Patient Pharmaceutical Care. TEA Design Ltd, Sofia, second revised and expanded edition, ISBN: 978-619-90647-7-1
- Grekova D. (2018) Clinical Pharmacy in Pediatrics: Basic Concepts and Skills of the Clinical Pharmacist. Lax Book Ltd, Plovdiv, ISBN: 978-619-189-094-1
- Kafalova-Grekova D., Andreevska K. (2020) Clinical Pharmacy in Pediatrics: Basic Concepts and Skills of the Clinical Pharmacist, Second revised and expanded edition. Lax Book Ltd, ISBN: 978-619-189-134-4
- Regulatory Approaches for Drug Approval. First edition, 2021. Authors: A. Serbezova, V. Madzharov, St. Georgiev. TEA DESIGN Ltd (ISBN: 978-619-91498-3-6).
PHD dissertations in doctoral program “Pharmacoeconomics and Pharmaceutical Regulation”
- Grekova D. (2014) Medical-social and pharmacoeconomic studies for evaluating drug therapy in patients with Bronchial Asthma.
- Madzharov V. (2014) Analysis of legislative and market mechanisms in the wholesale trade of pharmaceutical products in Bulgaria.
- Naydenov T. (2015) Study of the influence of certain factors on the marketing policy of the pharmaceutical industry.
- Ognyanov S. (2016) Positioning of certain sartans in the antihypertensive market in Bulgaria.
- Mikhailova A. (2018) Epidemiological and pharmacoeconomic study of corticosteroid prophylaxis for hyaline membrane disease in premature infants.
- Petkova-Georgieva E. (2018) Risk assessment of using dietary supplements containing undisclosed ingredients.
- Getova V. (2018) Regulatory and practical aspects of patient participation in pharmacovigilance.
- Staynova R. (2019) Medical-social aspects and the pharmacist’s role in the management of gestational diabetes.