
Name Position Email Phone
Professor Marianna Murdjeva, MD, PhD, MHM Rector of Medical University – Plovdiv [email protected] +359 32 / 602 207; fax: +359 32 / 602 534
Professor Ani Belcheva, DDS, PhD, MSC Vice Rector of Educational Activities [email protected] : +359 32 / 602 478; fax: +359 32 / 602 534
Professor Blagoi Marinov, MD, PhD Vice Rector of Science and Research Activities [email protected] +359 32 / 602 524 ; fax: +359 32 / 602 534
Professor Dilyana Vicheva, MD, PhD Vice Rector of International Cooperation and Project Activity International Cooperation
E-mail: [email protected]

Project Activity
E-mail: [email protected]

+359 32 / 602 201; fax: +359 32 / 602 534
Professor Ivan Ivanov, MD, PhD Vice Rector of Quality Management [email protected] +359 32 /602 295
Evgenia Ivanova-Batselova,MD Head of Educational Activities Department [email protected] (032) 602 371