Department of Forensic Medicine and Deontology

Колектив на катедра съдебна медицина и деонтология , Медицински университет - Пловдив
Academic staff – Department of Forensic Medicine and Deontology, Medical University of Plovdiv


Course program in Forensic medicine for students in Dental medicine 5-th year

Schedule for retake exam session


Schedule for sesson exam in Forensic Medicine for students in Dental Medicine V-th year

Information for the resit exam in Forensic Medicine

Information for the exam in Forensic Medicine


Dental medicine

Educational Programs for general medicine students and for dental medicine students have been accepted with Department’s Protocol Numbers 6/2019 and 1/2020
Academic Standard Protocol has been accepted with Department’s Protocol Number 3/2017

Forensic medicine is a branch of medicine, which uses the knowledge and the principles of medical sciences to help the police, the court and the prosecutory in the process of investigating of criminal and civil cases.
The aim of the course Forensic Medicine is to develop capability and skills necessary in graduating medical students and students from the specialty dental medicine, for medicolegal cases in their career practice.The main objective is to gain knowledge and practical skills necessary for participation in the functioning of courts. In its methodological aspect Forensic Medicine uses routine clinical methods of research and training known from other fields of Medicine. Some of the methods are adjusted to the nature and specific characteristics of Forensic Medicine and others are innovative methods described in forensic literature. The course includes lectures and practicals by specific topics.

Academic Staff

Associate Professor Dr. Pavel Timonov, M.D., Ph.D.– Head of the department

Phone: 032602510
e-mail: [email protected]

Associate Professor Dr. Svetlozar Spasov,M.D., Ph.D

e-mail: [email protected]

Assistant Professor Dr. Marin Baltov, M.D., Ph.D.

e-mail: [email protected]

Chef Assist. Prof. Ivan Tsranchev, MD, PhD

e-mail: [email protected]

Assistant Professor Dr. Kristina Hadzhieva, M.D. Responsible for ” Quality and accreditation”

Phone: 0889034323
e-mail: [email protected]

Assistant Professor Dr. Stela Yancheva, M.D

e-mail: [email protected]

Assistant Professor Dr. Plamena Dineva, M.D.

e-mail: [email protected]


Basics of legal proceedings in Forensic Medicine. Forensic traumatology. Basics of Forensic Medical Expert Examination of living persons. Forensic Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Expert Examination of simulated diseases and self-injuries. Expert Examination in case of disputable paternity and/or maternity. Forensic Toxicology. Expert Examination of written data. Expert Examination of trace evidence. Medical Ethics and Deontology.


Forensic Pathology- Lecture Notes and MCQ’S. LaxBook 2014. Pavel Timonov, M.D., Ph.D.


The members of the academic staff have many international publications, covering different fields in Forensic medicine in international journals indexed in world databases, including Google Scholar, CrossRef, ScienceDirect, Scopus

