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Development of Institutional Partnership across Europe in the Field of Translational Neuroscience – DIP Neuroscience
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Academic Staff
Prof. Drozdstoy Stoyanov, MD, PhD, DSc, PGCert, IDFAPA

Drozdstoy Stoyanov, MD has graduated the Medical University of Sofia, was a visiting fellow at the University of Pittsburgh, USA, and PGCert from the Oxford University/University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom and the University of Basel, Switzerland. He is a research associate at the Collaborating Centre for Values-Based Practice in Health and Social Care, St. Catherine’s College, Oxford. D.S has been a guest-lecturer at the universities in Copenhagen (2015), Vienna (2017) and Bergen (2018). He is also: Vice President of the European society for Person – Centered Healthcare (2013-present); the Vice Chair of Philosophy SIG in Royal College of Psychiatrists, London (2012-present); a Member of the Section of Philosophy and humanitarian studies of World Psychiatry Association (since 2008); and a Bulgarian Delegate in the section of Psychiatry of the European Union of Medical Specialists (since 2018); International Distinguished Fellow, American Psychiatric Association (2018).
Prof. Stoyanov is appointed as associate editor of the following journals: European Journal of Person Centered Healthcare, Frontiers in Psychiatry (Neuropsychiatric Imaging and Stimulation); an executive guest editor of the journal “Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry”; an editorial board member of: International Journal of Person-Centered Medicine, Dialogues in Philosophy, Mental and Neurosciences, etc.
He has more than 160 publications, among which 6 monographs and 3 student books and more than 600 positive citations.
1. Stojanov, D., Korf, J., Jonge, P., & Popov, G. (2011). The possibility of evidence-based psychiatry: depression as a case. Clinical epigenetics, 2(1), 7. (IF=6.219)
2. Stoyanov, D., Machamer, P. K., & Schaffner, K. F. (2012). Rendering clinical psychology an evidence‐based scientific discipline: a case study. Journal of evaluation in clinical practice, 18(1), 149-154. (IF 2012=1.508)
3. Stoyanov, D., Stanghellini, G., & Broome, M. (2012). Conceptual issues in psychiatric neuroimaging: an update. Current topics in medicinal chemistry, 12(21), 2348-2356. (IF 2012=4.174)
4. Stoyanov, D. S., Kandilarova, S., Sirakov, N., Stoeva, M., Velkova, K. G., & Kostianev, S. S. (2017). Towards translational cross-validation of clinical psychological tests and fMRI: experimental implementation. Compt Rend Acad Bulg Sci, 70, 879-84. (IF 2016=0.251)
5. Stoyanov, D., Kandilarova, S., & Borgwardt, S. (2017). Translational Functional Neuroimaging in the Explanation of Depression. Balkan medical journal, 34(6). (IF 2016=1.083)
6. Stoyanov, D. S. (2017). Key Developments in Translational Neuroscience: an Update. Balkan medical journal, 34(6), 485. (IF 2016=1.083)
7. Stoyanov, D. S., Kandilarova, S., Borgwardt, S., Stieglitz, R. D., Hugdahl, K., & Kostianev, S. (2018). Psychopathology Assessment Methods Revisited: On translational cross-validation of clinical self-evaluation scale and fMRI. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 9, 21. (IF=3.532)
8. Kandilarova, S., Stoyanov, D., Popivanov, I. D., & Kostianev, S. Application of functional magnetic resonance imaging in psychiatric clinical evaluation: Controversies and avenues. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. (IF 2016=1.25)
9. Kandilarova, S., Stoyanov, D. S., Kostianev, S., & Specht, K. (2018). Altered resting state effective connectivity of anterior insula in depression. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 9, 83
10. Maes, M., Bonifacio, K. L., Morelli, N. R., Vargas, H. O., Moreira, E. G., Stoyanov, D. S., … & Nunes, S. O. V. (2018). Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and Comorbid Major Depression with
GAD Are Characterized by Enhanced Nitro-oxidative Stress, Increased Lipid Peroxidation, and Lowered Lipid-Associated Antioxidant Defenses. Neurotoxicity research, 1-22. (IF 2016=3.532)
11. Roomruangwong, C., Anderson, G., Berk, M., Stoyanov, D., Carvalho, A. F., & Maes, M. (2017). A neuro-immune, neuro-oxidative and neuro-nitrosative model of prenatal and postpartum depression. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry.
12. Stoyanov, D., Machamer, P., & Schaffner, K. F. (2013). In quest for scientific psychiatry: Toward bridging the explanatory gap. Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology, 20(3), 261-273.
13. Stoyanov, D. (2014). A linkage of mind and brain: towards translational validity between neurobiology and psychiatry. Biomedical Reviews, 22, 65-76.
14. Stoyanov, D. (2017). The method to identify mind’s brain: commentary on Korf, Dial Phil Ment Neurosci, 10 (1): 35-36
15. Stoyanov, D, Psychiatry and Neurolaw. An Essay On Mind-Brain Problem and Legal Proof, Balkan Journal of Philosophy, In Press
Assoc. Prof. Stefan Popov

Born in 1954.
Education and professional experience: In 1973 graduated from the English Language High School in the city of Ruse. In 1979 acquired Master’s degree in Medicine from the Medical Academy of Sofia. In December 1982, he was board-certified as specialist in Neurology. In May 1985, he was board-certified as specialist in Psychiatry. In 2011 acquired his postgraduate doctoral degree from the Medical University of Plovdiv. In June 2015 acquired the academic degree ‘Associate professor’ in the Medical University of Plovdiv and has since been a lecturer at the Department of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology, MU Plovdiv. From 1979 to 1982, he worked as a neurologist in MHAT “Kanev”, Ruse city. From 1982 to 1985, he worked as a psychiatrist at The Mental Health Center, Ruse city. From 1986 to 2015 assoc. prof. Popov worked as a psychiatrist at the Clinic of Psychiatry in UMHAT “St. George”, Plovdiv and since June 2018 he is the Head of this clinic.
Member of: Association of Bulgarian Doctors, Bulgarian Psychiatric Association
Further qualifications:
– Training and diploma in sexology, Charles University in Prague, 1989;
– Training on short-term goal-directed psychotherapy – New Bulgarian University, Sofia, 1991;
– First stage training in Positive Psychotherapy, 1992;
– Training and qualification in lecturing on sexual and reproductive health – Program: PHARE, 1995-96;
– Training and diploma in lecturing on General Medicine, University of Manchester, 1998;
– Training and certificate in good clinical practice for clinical researchers, Bulgarian Association of Clinical Research, 2016.
1. Sava Petrov, Maria Orbetzova, Yanko Iliev, Doychin Boyadzhiev, Lyuba Hadzhiyska, Stefan Popov . Evaluation of Erectile Function and Quality of Life in Patients Undergoing Methadone Maintenance Treatment. International Journal of Clinical Urology; Sage Publications Ltd; http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/j/ijcu. 2017; 1(1): 11-16
2. Попов С. Влияние на боди имидж в етиопатогенезата на хранителните разстройства. Мединфо, България; https://www.medinfo.bg/. 2017; 6: 12-14
3. Попов С. Сексуалните дисфункции в ДСМ-5 – критичен анализ 5 години по-късно. Bulgarian Journal of Psychiatry, БПА www.bpabg.com. 2017; 2 (2): 142-148
4. Попов С. Боди имидж при шизофрения. Bulgarian Journal of Psychiatry. 2016; 1 (2): 116-120
5. Попов С. Депресии в общата практика. Мединфо, България; https://www.medinfo.bg/. 2015; 07: 58-60
6. Popov S., N Mateva, I Temenugov, I Yakov: Measuring psychological distress in a sample of Bulgarian medical students. European Neuropsychopharmacology 2007; 17 (suppl 3): 166-167
7. Chudomirova K., A Chapanova, T Abadjieva., S Popov. Gummatous Cutaneous syphilis – a case report. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, April 2009, Vol 36, Number 4: 239-240
8. Popov S., V. Vlahova-Nikolova. Reactions and character traits in women with Female orgasmic disorder. Journal of Sexual Medicine 2011; 8 (suppl 3): 84-299
9. Popov S. La Bromocriptine dans le traitement des dysfonctions erectiles. Cahiers de Sexologie Clinique. Aspects medicaux et psychosociaux, vol 23, No 133, 1997: 32–33
10. Попов С. Изследване на общия, бионаличен и свободен Тестостерон при мъже със сексуални дисфункции. XXIII Годишна Конференция на БПА, Пловдив, 02-04.10.2015
11. Попов С. Боди имидж и заболявания. XIX Конференция на Радневското психиатрично дружество, Сборник доклади. 27.05.2016
12. Попов С. Влияние на боди имидж върху някои здравни поведения. XXIII научна конференция на БПА, Варна-Златни пясъци, 11-13.11.2016
13. Попов С. Диагностичен алгоритъм при еректилна дисфункция. Трета Национална конференция по сексуална медицина с международно участие, София, 07-09.11.2014, Програма доклади
Assoc. Prof. Sevdalina Kandilarova, MD, PhD

Dr. Kandilarova is a medically trained psychiatrist, currently engaged with both teaching and research. She has been involved in the establishment of the Research Complex for Translational Neuroscience and since its official launch in 2015, she has been the leading on-site researcher developing and testing the paradigms for functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). She has been trained in Basel and Bergen to perform neuroimaging studies and to analyze structural and functional neuroimaging data. Dr. Kandilarova has performed her own research project on depression leading to a PhD degree in 2017 and she is continuing with her postdoctoral training. She has been involved in several long-lasting collaborations with fMRI research groups at the University of Bergen and the University of Basel. Her main research interests are in the application of structural, resting state, and task-related fMRI, as well as magnetic resonance spectroscopy for the differential diagnosis of major psychiatric disorders.
1. Kandilarova, S., Stoyanov, D., Sirakov, N., Maes, M., & Specht, K. (2019). Reduced grey matter volume in frontal and temporal areas in depression: contributions from voxel-based morphometry study. Acta Neuropsychiatr, 31(5), 252-257. doi:10.1017/neu.2019.20
2. Kandilarova S, Stoyanov D, Kostianev S, Specht K. Altered Resting State Effective Connectivity of Anterior Insula in Depression. Front Psychiatry. 2018 Mar 15; 9:83 doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2018.00083
3. Stoyanov, D., Kandilarova, S., Paunova, R., Barranco Garcia, J., Latypova, A., & Kherif, F. (2019). Cross-Validation of Functional MRI and Paranoid-Depressive Scale: Results From Multivariate Analysis. Front Psychiatry, 10, 869. doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00869
4. Kandilarova S, Stoyanov D, Popivanov ID, Kostianev S. Application of functional magnetic resonance imaging in psychiatric clinical evaluation: Controversies and avenues. J Eval Clin Pract. 2018 Aug;24(4):807-814. doi: 10.1111/jep.12906. Epub 2018 Mar 13.
5. Stoyanov, D., Kandilarova, S., Arabadzhiev, Z., Paunova, R., Schmidt, A., & Borgwardt, S. (2019). Cross-Validation of Paranoid-Depressive Scale and Functional MRI: New Paradigm for Neuroscience Informed Clinical Psychopathology. Front Psychiatry, 10, 711. doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00711
Assoc. Prof. Zlatoslav Arabadzhiev, MD, PhD

Born in Plovdiv in 1981.
Education and professional experience: Graduates from the High School in 1999. In 2005 acquires Master’s degree in Medicine – Medical University Plovdiv. In 2008 acquires Master’s degree in Psychology – Plovdiv University “Paisii Hilendarski”. Specialty in Psychiatry. From 2006 to 2017 works in Emergency Department Pazardzhik as doctor. From 2014 to this moment – outpatient psychiatric practice “Dimed”, Plovdiv – treatment of acute and chronic psychiatric disorders. From 2013 to this moment – in and outpatient in psychiatric clinic in “UMHAT St. George”, Plovdiv – treatment of acute and chronic psychiatric disorders. In 2014 acquires specialty in Psychiatry – Medical University Plovdiv. In 2014 acquires PhD degree in Psychiatry – Medical University Plovdiv. From February 2017: Head assistant at the Department of Psychiatry and Medical psychology.
Member of: Association of Bulgarian Doctors, Bulgarian Psychiatric Association, Bulgarian Association of Hypnosis. Bulgarian Association of Positive Psychotherapy. World Association of Positive Psychotherapy.
Professional interests: Anxiety disorders, Mood disorders, Psychopharmacology, Cyber Psychology, Positive and Integrative Psychotherapy, Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy. Electrical sleep. Metaphoric Associative Cards Therapy. TAT test. Cyber Behavior. Conceptualization in Psychotherapy and Motivational Interviewing.
1. Случай с разстройство на половия идентитет в детска възраст. Арабаджиев Зл. Научни трудове на Съюза на учените в България – Пловдив 2011 г. научна сесия „Медицина, фармация и дентална медицина“ 11-12. 09. 2011 г. (59-63 стр.)
2. Норма, абнормност и качество на живот на ЕМО групата от град Пловдив. Арабаджиев Зл.1, Давидов Хр.24-та Национална научна конференция 2011 г. за студенти, докторанти и млади учени. Сборник доклади (стр. 287-291).
3. Определители за тревожност сред преподаватели, обучаващи чуждестранни студенти медици. Славка Тошкова-Христозова1, Наталия Янкова1, Евгений Кадийски1, Иван Христозов1, Светла Пачева-Карабова1, Христина Спасова2, Златослав Арабаджиев3, Борис Тилов4, Калоян Харалампиев5. Юбилейна научна конференция „50 години-врата към образованието и прозорец към света“ 14-15 юни 2013 г.
4. Удовлетвореност от работата в интеркултурна образователна среда по медицина. Евгений Кадийски1, Славка Тошкова-Христозова1, Наталия Янкова1, Иван Христозов1, Светла Пачева-Карабова1, Христина Спасова2, Златослав Арабаджиев3, Борис Тилов4, Калоян Харалампиев5. Юбилейна научна конференция „50 години-врата към образованието и прозорец към света“ 14-15 юни 2013 г. (стр. 700-709).
5. Sexting и интернет зависимост. Арабаджиев Зл1. , Хадзиянис А2. Кадиян В3.”Наука и младост”, Folia Medica Medical University Plovdiv vol.57; Suppl 1/2015 143-144
6. Киберпсихология – девиантност на Аз-а или „продължение” на личността в киберпространството. Арабаджиев Зл1. , Хадзиянис А2. Кадиян В3.”Наука и младост”, Folia Medica Medical University Plovdiv vol.57; Suppl 1/2015 177-178
7. Редки психиатрични синдроми: Синдром на парадоксална привързаност. Арабаджиев Зл1. , Хадзиянис А1. Редки болести и лекарства сираци” бр. 1/2015 г. Шеста национална конференция за Редки болести и лекарства сираци – 2015
8. Редки психиатрични синдроми: Синдром на погрешно налудно идентифициране. Арабаджиев Зл1..” Редки болести и лекарства сираци” бр. 1/2015 г. Шеста национална конференция за Редки болести и лекарства сираци – 2015 г.
9. Качество на живот при пациенти с шизофрения и биполярно афективно разстройство, с дебют преди 18 г.в. и на техните близки в зависимост от демографските характеристики. Арабаджиев З 1. Харалампиев К 1. Българско списание за психиатрия. Издава Българска психиатрична асоциалция. 2016 vol1 (1). 68-74.
10. Биология на психотерапията. Арабаджиев З 1. Сборник с презентации на 19-та конференция на Радневското психиатрично дружество 2016 г.
11. Биопсихосоциокултурална психотерапия. Арабаджиев З 1. Лидертво и организационно развитие. Университетско издателство „Св. Климент Охридски” гр. София 2016: 1257-1264; Втора международна научна конференция 2016. „Лидерство и организационно развитие”.
12. Биопсихосоциален модел на предменструалното дисфорично разстройство Арабаджиев З, Маджурова Р. Българско списание за психиатрия 2017, 2 (2), 118-125.
13. Обсесивно-компулсивно разстройство, невроанатомия и психология. Арабаджиев З. Сборник научни доклади. Втора национална конференция „Психология в медицината“. 2017, 23-26.
14. Париж синдром. Арабаджиев З, Апостолова А, Маджурова Р. Сборник научни доклади. Втора национална конференция „Психология в медицината“. 2017, 31-34.
15. Натрапливости за дупки – Трипофобия. Арабаджиев З, Апостолова А, Маджурова Р.Сборник научни доклади. Втора национална конференция „Психология в медицината“. 2017, 34-38.
16. Рискови фактори за отключване на постоперативен делир. Давидов Хр, Арабаджиев З. Сборник пълнотекстови доклади от научна сесия за студенти и млади учени. „Наука и младост. Хирургия, но не само…“. 2017, 48-52.
17. Съвременни клинични, диагностични и терапевтични аспекти на ПМДР. Арабаджиев З, Маджурова Р. Сборник с презентации на 20-та конференция на Радневското психиатрично дружество 2017 г.
18. Множествена личност. Арабаджиев З, Деливанска К, Георгиева С. Сборник с презентации на 20-та конференция на Радневското психиатрично дружество 2017 г.
19. Evaluation of the Reliability of P. Lang’s Quality of Life Scale in Bulgaria. Zlatoslav Arabadzhiev1, Kaloyan Haralampiev2, Hristo Davidiv3, Vladimir Bozhilov4. Bulgarian Medicine vol. 2 № 1-4/2012. ISSN 1314-3387; (p. 21-24).
20. Comparative Evaluation of Quality of Life in Patients with Bipolar Affective Disorder, Schizophrenia, Imminent Abortion and Pyodermia. Zlatoslav Arabadzhiev1, Kaloyan Haralampiev2, Iliyan Trayanov2, Nora Bueshi2, Hristo davidov3, Vladimir Bozhilov3. Bulgarian Medicine vol. 1№3-4/2011. ISSN 13-14-3387; (6-14).
21. Psychopathological Dimensions of Burn Out Syndrome: Depression and Anxiety Correlation. D.S. Stoyanov1, S. Hristozova2, Z. Arabadzhiev1, B.G. Tilov3. Poster.
22. Potential Risk Biomarkers in Psychopathology: An Update and Critical Reappraisal. Psychopathology: Theory, Perspectives and Future Approaches. Psychiatry-Theory, Applications and Treatments. Editor: DrozdstojStoyanov; Chapter 12. Valentine Akabaliev1, Zlatoslav Arabadzhiev1, Katherina Akabalieva1, Sevdalina Kandilarova1. Nova Science Publishers, Ins, ISBN: 978-1-62618-470-1. P. 253-269.
23. Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder. Zlatoslav Arabadzhiev 1, Rositsa Madzhurova1. Bulgharian Medicine 2016, vol. 2/6, 3-10. ISSN 1314-3387.
24. Neurocysticercosis: Review of Its Psychiatric Manifestations. Davidov H1, Arabadzhiev Z2. Bulgarian Medicine 2017, vol 7/1, 4-8. ISSN 1314-3387.
25. Multiple Pathways Link Urban Green- and Bluespace to Mental Health in Young Adults. Editors: Angel M. Dzhambova, Ianna Markevychb,c, Terry Hartingd, Boris Tilove,f, Zlatoslav Arabadzhievg, Drozdstoj Stoyanovg, Penkq Gatsevaa, Donka D. Dimitrovah. Environmental Research, ELSEVIER, 166 (2018) 223-233.
26. Pathways Linking Residential Noise and Air Pollution to Mental Ill-health in Young Adults. Editors: Angel M. Dzhambova, Ianna Markevychb,c, Boris Tilovd,e, Zlatoslav Arabadzhievf, Drozdstoj Stoyanovf, Penkq Gatsevaa, Donka D. Dimitrovag. Environmental Research, ELSEVIER, 166 (2018) 458-465.
27. Lower Noise Annoyance Associated with GIS-Derived Greenspace: Pathways through Perceived Greenspace and Residential Noise. Editors: Angel M. Dzhambov1, Ianna Markevych2,3, Boris Tilov4, Zlatoslav Arabadzhiev5, Drozdstoj Stoyanov5, Penkq Gatseva1, Donka D. Dimitrova6. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, MDPI, 2018, 15, 1533; doi:10.3390/ijerh15071533.
28. Association Between Objectively-measured Greenspace and Noise Annoyance: Noise Reduction and Perceived Greenspace as Putative Mediators. . Editors: Angel M. Dzhambov1, Ianna Markevych2,3, Boris Tilov4, Zlatoslav Arabadzhiev5, Drozdstoj Stoyanov5, Penkq Gatseva1, Donka D. Dimitrova6. Euronoise, 2018, EAA-HELINA, ISSN: 2226-5147.
Chief Assistant Professor Ivo Mitrev, MD, PhD

Born on 4 August 1962 in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. He got his medical degree in 1989 from the Medical University of Plovdiv. From 1990 until 1991 he worked as a psychiatrist in Mental Hospital “Patalenitsa”, Plovdiv region, Bulgaria. Since 1991 he has worked at the Medical University of Plovdiv, Department of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology and at UMHAT “Sv. Georgi”, Plovdiv, Clinic of Psychiatry, respectively as Assistant Professor and as Intern Psychiatrist. Acquired a Specialty in Psychiatry in 1994. Led the student psychiatry study circle of the Department of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology from 1991 until 2003. Person in charge of the research work of the department since 2003. Head of the male ward of the Clinic of Psychiatry of UMHAT “Sv. Georgi” since 2008. Acquired an academic degree “Doctor of Philosophy” in 2016. Main fields of interest: suicidology, psychopharmacotherapy; religion and psychiatry; old age psychiatry. Author of a monograph that has gone through two editions. Participated as a coauthor of textbooks for general practitioners, specializing doctors and students. Has 130 scientific reports published as articles in scientific journals and thematic edited volumes or presented at international or regional scientific forums. Lecturer at the European Conference of General Medicine of IFDA, Sofia, BG – 2007, 27-28 January. Winner of the ECNP Regional Travel Award at the 9th ECNP Regional Meeting 2007 – Sofia.
1. Митрев И. Проучване на суицидното поведение при хоспитализирани психиатрични пациенти от мъжки пол. Дисертационен труд за присъждане на научна и образователна степен „Доктор”. Пловдив, 2016 http://medlib-plovdiv.org/ft/KNG/F0013066.PDF
2. Митрев И. Възбуда и агресия. В: Психиатрия. Учебник за студенти и специализиращи лекари, под ред. на В. Миланова. София, Медицина и физкултура, 2013:395-400. ISBN 978-954-420-301-6
3. Митрев И. Самоубийството като мултифакторно събитие. В: Славчев А, Митрев И, Стоименова М, Маджирова Н, Ангелова – Барболова Н, Маринов, Терзииванова П, Попов Ст, Кожухаров Хр. Ръководство за ранно откриване на тревожност и депресия в първичната помощ, Национален център по обществено здраве и анализи, София, 2016. ISBN 978-954-8404-32-7http://www.bgmental.info/bg/node/77
4. Митрев И. Превенция и лечение на суицидни пациенти. В: Славчев А, Митрев И, Стоименова М, Маджирова Н, Ангелова – Барболова Н, Маринов, Терзииванова П, Попов Ст, Кожухаров Хр. Ръководство за ранно откриване на тревожност и депресия в първичната помощ, Национален център по обществено здраве и анализи, София, 2016. ISBN 978-954-8404-32-7http://www.bgmental.info/bg/node/77
5. Митрев И. Казуси. В: Славчев А, Митрев И, Стоименова М, Маджирова Н, Ангелова – Барболова Н, Маринов, Терзииванова П, Попов Ст, Кожухаров Хр. Ръководство за ранно откриване на тревожност и депресия в първичната помощ, Национален център по обществено здраве и анализи, София, 2016. ISBN 978-954-8404-32-7http://www.bgmental.info/bg/node/77
6. Mitrev I. A study of deliberate self-poisoning in patients with adjustment disorder. Folia Medica 1996; 38(3-4):11-16https://europepmc.org/abstract/med/9145584
7. Iliev Y, Mitrev I, Andonova St. Psychopathologyand psychosocial causesin adult deliberate self-poisoninginPlovdiv region, Bulgaria. FoliaMedica 2000; 42(3):30-33https://europepmc.org/abstract/med/11347333
8. Kostianev S, Mitrev I, Hodgev R et al. Dyspnea, depression and anxiety in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Eur Resp J 2001;18 (Suppl 33):22
9. Mitrev I, Massaldjieva R. Suicidal behaviour and aggression in psychiatric inpatients. FoliaMedica 2004; 46(4):22-26https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15962811
10. Mitrev I. Suicide ideation and suicide plans: what are the differences? A study on male psychiatric inpatients.European Neuropsychopharmacology 2007; 17 (Suppl 3):165-166https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0924977X0770158X?via%3Dihub
11. Митрев И. Тревожни и свързани със стресор разстройства. Суициден риск, бензодиазепини и друга медикаментозна терапия. МEDINFO 2014, 9:52-56, ISSN1314-0345https://www.medinfo.bg/spisanie/2014/9/statii/trevojni-i-svyrzani-sys-stresor-razstrojstva-suiciden-risk-benzodiazepini-i-druga-medikamentozna-terapija-1765
12. Митрев И. Транквилизатори: бензодиазепини и алтернативи. Суициден риск, бензодиазепини и друга медикаментозна терапия. МEDINFO 2015, 7:72-79, ISSN1314-0345https://www.medinfo.bg/spisanie/2015/7/statii/trankvilizatori-benzodiazepini-i-alternativi-2166
13. Митрев И, Митрева В. Терминология на суицидното поведение. Суициден риск при свързаните със суицид поведения. Българско списание за психиатрия 2016; 1(4):317-328http://www.bpabg.com/sites/default/files/BgJPsychiatry_2016(4)_Final-online-version.pdf
14. Митрев И, Димитрова Е, Митрева В. Социално-демографски фактори и суициден риск – проучване при хоспитализирани психиатрични пациенти от мъжки пол. Списание Население 2016; 34(2):20-35http://nasselenie-review.org/bg/%D0%BA%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B6%D0%BA%D0%B0-2-2016
Chief Assistant Professor Mladen Mantarkov, MD, PhD

Dr Mladen Mantarkov was born in Kurdzhali in 1977 and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in medicine from the Medical University of Sofia in 2003. He started work at the Department of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology of Medical University – Plovdiv in 2004. He was board-certified as specialist in psychiatry in 2008. His primary scientific interests in psychiatry include biological psychiatry, pharmacological treatment, schizophrenia and mood disorders as well as certain more specific aspects of biological psychiatry, such as minor physical anomalies, dermatoglyphics and somatotype. In 2019, Dr Mantarkov defended his doctoral thesis on the somatotype of patients with schizophrenia and bipolar I disorder, which examines it in the context of neurodevelopment and myo-, fibro- lipogenesis both prenatally and postnatally.
1. Mantarkov M, Ahmed-Popova F, Akabaliev V, Sivkov S. Somatotype in Bipolar Disorder Revisited: Gender Differences, Neurodevelopment and Clinical Implications. IJIR 2016; 2(9):1028-1037. http://www.onlinejournal.in/IJIRV2I9/160.pdf
2. Ahmed-Popova FM, Mantarkov MJ, Sivkov ST, Akabaliev VH. Dermatoglyphics – a possible biomarker in the neurodevelopmental model for the origin of mental disorders. Folia medica 2014; 56(1): 5-10. https://content.sciendo.com/view/journals/folmed/56/1/article-p5.xml
3. Akabaliev VH, Sivkov ST, Mantarkov MY. Minor physical anomalies in schizophrenia and bipolar I disorder and the neurodevelopmental continuum of psychosis. Bipolar disorders. 2014; 16(6):633-41.
4. Akabaliev V, Sivkov S, Mantarkov M, Ahmed-Popova F. Minor physical anomalies in patients with bipolar I disorder and normal controls. J Affect Disord 2011; 135 (1-3): 193-200
5. Sivkov S, Akabaliev V, Mantarkov M, Ahmed-Popova F, Akabalieva K. Discriminating value of total minor physical anomaly score on the Waldrop scale between patients with bipolar I disorder and normal controls. Psychiatry Research 2013; 210 (2): 451-456
Chief Assistant Professor Andriana Kakanakova, MD, PhD
Andriana Rumenova Kakanakova, MD has graduated Mathematical High School „Academic Kiril Popov“, Plovdiv in 1997 with excellent grades as the leader of the class. Graduates as a Magister of Medicine from the Medical University Plovdiv in 2003, with excellent grades. For the 1998-2003 period, participates in the Psychiatric circle in the Department of Psychiatry. Starts her career as a medical representative, MD in Berlin Chemie- Menarini and works there until February 2011. Starts on a physician position at the State Psychiatric Hospital, Pazardzhik in March 2011. Applies for a Ph.D. position in the Medical University of Plovdiv, and starts the doctoral education in September 2012. In March 2013, starts Psychiatry specialization in the Department and on Dec, 07-08, 2017 is board certified by a commission under the supervision of prof. V. Milanova. Acquired a Ph.D. degree on 04.02.2018 with a dissertation thesis on “Research on clinical and psychopathological markers of the Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia continuum “.
Interests: Concept of the unitary psychosis, continuum of the psychoses; Neuroimaging in Psychiatry; Diet and mental health.
1. Neuroontogenetic model of Schizophrenia. CT scan brain markers, Medinfo, Neurology and Psychiatry, 7, 2014
2. Biomarkers and Schizophrenia. CT scan biomarkers, Medinfo, Neurology and Psychiatry , 2015
3. Neurodevelopment Hypothesis of Schizophrenia and the Structural Neuroimaging as a Tool to Prove it, Acta Medica Scientia, Vol 2, No 1 (2015)
4. Reliability and validity of Level1/Level2 DSM V rating of extracriterial symptoms of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia patients, Bulgarian Psychiatry Journal, vol.1, 4, 2016
Asen Beshkov,Assistant, PhD student, MD

Born in Plovdiv in 1983.
Education and professional experience: Graduates from the English Language School in 2002. In 2008 acquires Master’s degree in Medicine – Medical University Plovdiv. December 2013: specialty in Psychiatry. From 2008 to 2018 works in State Psychiatric Hospital Pazardzhik as intern doctor in the ward for active treatment of female patients and the ward for active treatment of male and female patients; from 2014 to 2018 held the position Head of ward for active treatment of female patients. From 2009 to 2012: outpatient psychiatric practice “Horizons”, Plovdiv – treatment of addictions. From 2012 to this moment – outpatient group psychiatric practice “Philipopolis”, Plovdiv – treatment of addictions, acute and chronic psychiatric disorders. From 2016 to this moment: PhD student in psychiatry in Medical University Plovdiv. From February 2019: assistant at the Department of Psychiatry and Medical psychology.
Member of: Association of Bulgarian Doctors, Bulgarian Psychiatric Association, College Private Psychiatry, Еuropean College of Neuropsychopharmacology, Youth Scientific Association Asclepius, Bulgarian Scientific Society for Neuropsychopharmacology and Neurosciences, Bulgarian Youth Psychiatric Association
Professional interests: Addictions, Anxiety disorders, Mood disorders, Psychopharmacology, Еvolutionary psychiatry, Cultural psychiatry, Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Existential psychotherapy, Humanistic psychology, Social psychology, Evolutionary psychology, Psychology and sociology of religion, Religion and psychopathology
1. Негативна афективност и наркотична зависимост – Радка Масалджиева, Светлозар Георгиев, Асен Бешков, Люба Хаджийска, Атанас Бюлбюлев, Гергана Кехайова, Българско списание за психиатрия. 2016: 1 (2): 152 – 159
2. Beshkov A, Topolov M, Ahmed-Popova F, Sivkov S. A review of neuroimaging studies on working memory paradigms in patients with bipolar disorder. Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry. 2019; 18 (21); 1883-1892
3. Ahmed-Popova F, Sivkov S, Topolov M and Beshkov A (2020). An fMRI study of adult brain cortical activation following intensive learning. Front. Psychiatry 11:115. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.00115
Anna Todeva-Radneva, Assistant, PhD student, MD

Born in Plovdiv in 1992.
Anna Aleksandrova Todeva-Radneva, MD
Graduates “Ivan Vazov” Language School in 2011 with excellent grades. In 2017 completes her university education at the Medical University of Plovdiv with a Master’s degree in Medicine. Works as an intern in a hospital ward of “Internal Medicine” in: MHAT “St. Mina, Plovdiv from November 2017 to May 2018 and MTH Plovdiv from June 2018 until now. Since February 2019 is an assistant in the Department of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology of the Faculty of Medicine in the Medical University of Plovdiv.
Scientific interests: translational neuroscience; psychiatry; neuroimaging; clinical neuropsychology.
1. Todeva-Radneva, A., R. Paunova, S. Kandilarova and D. St Stoyanov (2020). “The Value of Neuroimaging Techniques in the Translation and Trans-Diagnostic Validation of Psychiatric Diagnoses – Selective Review.” Curr Top Med Chem.
Denitsa Simeonova-Pencheva, PhD student, MD
Dr. Simeonova graduated the Medical University of Plovdiv in 2015. She is a Ph. D student in the Department of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology of the Medical University of Plovdiv since 2018. The main topic of her research is the psychoneuroimmunology mechanisms of depression and anxiety disorders. Specific focus of her research is put on: exploring new biomarkers of depression and anxiety disorders; fMRI; increased gut permeability syndrome and its influence on psychiatric disorders
1. Maes M, Simeonova D, Stoyanov D, Leunis J (2019) Upregulation of the nitrosylome in bipolar disorder type 1 (BP1) and major depression, but not BP2: Increased IgM antibodies to nitrosylated conjugates are associated with indicants of leaky gut. Nitric Oxide 91:67–76. doi: 10.1016/J.NIOX.2019.07.003
2.Roomruangwong C, Simeonova DS, Stoyanov DS, et al (2018) Common Environmental Factors May Underpin the Comorbidity Between Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Mood Disorders Via Activated Nitrooxidative Pathways. Curr Top Med Chem 18:1621–1640. doi: 10.2174/1568026618666181115101625
3.Simeonova D, Ivanovska M, Murdjeva M, et al (2018) Recognizing the Leaky Gut as a Trans-diagnostic Target for Neuroimmune Disorders Using Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Immunology Assays. Curr Top Med Chem 18:1641–1655. doi: 10.2174/1568026618666181115100610
4.Simeonova D, Stoyanov D, Leunis JC, et al (2019) Increased Serum Immunoglobulin Responses to Gut Commensal Gram-Negative Bacteria in Unipolar Major Depression and Bipolar Disorder Type 1, Especially When Melancholia Is Present. Neurotox Res. doi: 10.1007/s12640-019-00126-7
Dr. Petar Popov, PhD student, MD
Dr. Petar Stefanov Popov was born in 1989 in Plovdiv. Graduated from the Medical University of Plovdiv in 2019 with excellent marks. In the period between January 2020 – January 2021 he worked at the Center for Psychiatric Health – Plovdiv as a resident doctor in psychiatry. Since February 2021 he is working as a resident doctor at UMHAT “St. George”, Plovdiv, Clinic of Psychiatry. Enrolled as a full-time PhD student at the Department of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology since December 2021. Since March 2022 he is an assistant professor at the Department of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology at the Medical University of Plovdiv. His research interests are in the field of neuroimaging and the discovery of new biomarkers in affective disorders and schizophrenia.
Dr. Rositsa Paunova, PhD student, MD
Dr. Rositsa Paunova, MD
Born in Plovdiv 1997.
Graduated ‘St. St. Kiril and Metodi’ humanitarian high school in 2015. In 2021 graduated from Medical University Plovdiv with a master’s degree in Medicine. Since the third year of her studies she has worked at the Complex for translational neuroscience as a research assistant, participating in the process of assessment and scanning research subjects via fMRI, and data analysis. She has been trained in Lausanne, Vienna, and Milano to perform neuroimaging studies and analyze data using machine learning techniques. Since March 2022 she is also a PhD student at the department of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology. Her main research interests are in schizophrenia and its negative symptoms as well as analyzing data with artificial intelligence as a possible tool for the differential diagnosis of major psychiatric disorders.
• Paunova, R.; Kandilarova, S.; Todeva-Radneva, A.; Latypova, A.; Kherif, F.; Stoyanov, D. Application of Mass Multivariate Analysis on Neuroimaging Data Sets for Precision Diagnostics of Depression. Diagnostics 2022, 12, 469. https://doi.org/ 10.3390/diagnostics12020469
• Aryutova, K.; Paunova, R.; Kandilarova, S.; Todeva‐Radneva, A.; Stoyanov, D. Implications from translational cross‐validation of clinical assessment tools for diagnosis and treatment in psychiatry. World J. Psychiatry 2021, 11, 169–180, doi:10.5498/wjp.v11.i5.169.
• Stoyanov D, Kandilarova S, Paunova R, Barranco Garcia J, Latypova A, Kherif F. Cross-Validation of Functional MRI and Paranoid-Depressive Scale: Results From Multivariate Analysis. Front Psychiatry 2019; 10: 869 [PMID: 31824359 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00869]